Another incredible week in paradise- Mexcio where the sun always shines, the lake looks like an ocean and the mountains rise up along the vistas....
I am having a challenge tracking when and what all is occurring at this point, but I awoke this morning with a deep,cellular knowing that I can and am taking care of mySelf. This is not just in providing food and shelter and keeping my body healthy- this is about the Being and Living with others and knowing that I can take care of mySelf- that I can take time alone, that I can schedule playtime without any attachment to who shows up, that I can be in support of someone and not take on their stuff.
There is this feeling that has come over me beginning yesterday and continuing today that all I have ever dreamed of or worked towards is about to come true- this is not a fairy tale and it is also not life as I have known it.
I have desired to create heaven on earth, I have desired to have playmates to play with in the garden of Eden, I have desired to be of true service to the One- meaning to allow my mind to get out of the way and trust that my body and Being will know the right words to say, the right action to take, the right gift to give.
And so over the last few years, I have let go of everything- the house I lived in, the jobs , the friends, family, money, car, any sense of thinking I know what is happening, beliefs, stories, patterns. I stand here listening- hearing words or vibrations
from inside, all around; receiving gifts of words or touch from another- trusting that the next step will reveal itself. I stand here quietly- paying attention and letting go of planning for the most part- having a sense of the essence of something and then when I see it, or touch it , or hear it, or feel it- walk forward.
I no longer multi-task- in fact I may "do" only one thing a day- no pattern just whatever is up.
I am beginning to feel deep within what my gifts are and have begun to share me hugely and wildly.
I am experiencing life as I have never known it- I have read about this place- where everything is pulsed as a gift.
Yesterday I had a conversation with two friends- one with whom I am creating something to share with the world and the other who I know from my past and I trusted the intuitive hit to reconnect with her- so aligned, fitting perfectly together what we are all doing and Being- creating sustainable living situations with like hearted souls and using technology to reach more people with our gifts. I got off that call and cried and could feel the "being on the other side" of the full letting go and that I am taken care of in such a profound way. There is nothing to fear- I can't even make a "wrong" choice now!
So I am creating the feel of my Heaven on Earth- the essence of freedom, flow, beauty, joy, safety, peace, richness.... Heaven on earth always had other people around, always had land we supported and that supported us- the group I am hanging with has created a house sit opportunity beginning in May-June-July- not being attached to form helps because we don't own it, we have two different houses in May that are in the same neighborhood- and we are flowing the essence of what takes care of all of us.
And because we create such a strong field, we are beginning to flow a service of having people come and stay with us- that too is effortlessly beginning in June. Service to the One and people are appearing.
I am enjoying the space of I can relax now -opening all doors and windows to more, please.
And today, just so you know I called a woman who I had agreed to house-sit in May to tell her I could not do it- the house is in the city and I realize that my being doesn't do so well in the city with the energy vibe there. One of the patterns I have held long to is once I make a committment, honoring it at all costs- I am taking care of mySelf.
And there is another conversation scheduled for later that is about an experience of seeing another out of integrity and how it affected me.... pulsing all as gifts.....
I can Relax now
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