Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What's Going on?

First sentence that comes up when I feel the title is - "I don't know!"  The second thing that is so very present is this feeling I am experiencing of space- of possibility- of pure acceptance and gratitude- the more I feel that, the more I am experiencing the woman that I am living with and caring for- desiring to be near me.  I feel different about this too- in the past I would be aggravated or annoyed- again I am feeling acceptance and just handling each issue that comes up and returning to listening to the music and writing and connecting with people on Facebook.

Last week I felt aggravation and annoyance with everyone and everything- even my dear friend Jason told me a story and I got aggravated- I went dancing and got aggravated- it was mirrored for me by another dear friend who got aggravated with me.  I listened to others speak and experience the original, deep wound in the last few weeks- clarity is that I am caring for a woman who chooses over and over again not to care for herself- my deep wound of feeling the original separation from Source/God and how with that experience do I care for myself?  No wonder I was feeling aggravation, agitation, anger, fear....  This is not new- I have discovered and done the work around this wound and yet it is still present- OK- feel it, experience it, accept it!  It did feel different- I wasn't in any hurry to make it go away and I was curious about it- kept asking the higher version of Lynn to show me what I needed to see or hear or feel.

There was a pivotal moment back in 2008 when I came up from a meditation and felt done- I actually said the words- I don't care who is coming along, I am done and ready  to go on. This was echoed by many other beings on the planet at that moment and a shift occurred- not sure what it held in the collective- I know for me it looked like letting go of everything in the physical world.   I have been feeling that way in the last few days- first I was feeling it is time to move on from caring for this woman and yes that is part of it- but a deeper awareness of leaving a consciousness is present.  Leaving in love as I have been remembering over the last few years!  This leaving is not so dramatic or drastic but it does feel complete- I wrote about it yesterday after a walk and wanted to land it so here it is- so grateful for the computer on which I write- the blog on which it lands and the opportunity to have it land in this reality!  This leaving is also about remembering what it is that I wish to create- what world do I wish to live in.

I am very clear that it is time to leave this consciousness in love- what is this consciousness that I desire to leave?

·      the consciousness of lack
·      the consciousness of mine
·      the consciousness of negativity
·      the consciousness of fear
·      the consciousness of victim
·      the consciousness of not taking care of one’s self- even in service
·      the vampire consciousness- separation of giving and receiving
·      the consciousness of lying
·      density

I am in wonder what it would be like for the collective to shift this- I don’t know- remembering what it is that I always felt or that I felt and forgot-

  • ·      the consciousness of richness and abundance and wealth- recognizing in all.
  • ·      the taking on of I am God- all powerful and able to play well with others- the powerful witness of this.
  • ·      the knowing that change happens all the time and change just means an opportunity to experience something else.
  • ·      it feels and looks like all Beings able to communicate with each other without words- just with thoughts, a look, a touch.
  • ·      it is knowing there is plenty of food, shelter, love, energy,money and these can be shared as well.
  • ·      all the gifts- enthusiasm, playfulness, spontaneous creativity, joy, seeing it all can be shared and honored by those who receive; we receive as the sharing happens.
  • ·             Witnessing with humility the gifts others desire to share and accepting with grace.
  • ·      Everyone takes care of themselves including asking for help when we need it.
  • ·      We live together in peace and co-create with nature and the environment.
  • ·      Accepting and loving ourselves and all others exactly where we are.  I witness this powerfully.
  • ·      Fun, fun, fun is the order of every day.
  • ·      The ability to choose all this without suffering and understanding that some will still choose to suffer.
  • ·      Lightness and life and magic.

AAnd in the words of my dear friend Elizabeth Feisst- And so it is!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lynn! I came across your blog on the Winging with Whitehawk posts. I love what you are sharing, and I look forward to more of your posts! I have recently started my own blog, too, and I'm trying to do what I can to awaken/enlighten others and be a positive role model in these changing times. Thanks for all that you do! - Shawnna

    Here's my blog if you are interested:
