Saturday, October 29, 2011


Again so enjoying the laying in bed- not sleeping- although allowing for the dosing off because of waking up early.  This morning I put on Ashana and I journeyed- meaning I went out into another realm- the realm of God- and I brought it all back in- back in to this experience in the body- feeling the drop of the tear as I listened to Opening to love- experiencing an opening not before experienced over a length of time- knowing it is always here.  Breathing on many levels as I listen to You are my Breath- surrendering as I listen to Only you in my heart and Deep Peace.

I am Home; I am Safe; I am here to be in service to the Divine within us all and as I am in service this day to the Divine within I am in service to all.

I lay in bed and enjoy the experience of blowing my nose and the flow of air that comes with that; I enjoy the numbness of the right arm and the tingling of awakening; I enjoy the languishing in the bed with the covers – I remember another time when the message was “it’s all about the poop”- meaning when I can poop or manage another’s poop with reverence and grace- the world has shifted and yes my world will have shifted!

So we shall see- I enjoy the grinding of the coffee beans the water coming out of the faucet and yes that is magic!  I am enjoying the first cup of coffee with cream- cream whipped lovingly the other night by the hands of a brother!  Perhaps before I complete this I will experience nirvana in the toilet!

I hear a knock (psychic knock) and know it is time to get out of bed- hearing strong message to stay in today and Be (that to me means to be present to it all-anything that shows up in the outer world and anything that shows up in the inner world)- knowing I will reschedule an appointment I have with another opening heart- the phone rings right as I get out of the bedroom and it is her wishing to reschedule as well- again what has been created is a deep connection with another who is living in her own creations and creating in harmony!

Now I am in deep bowing to the gift of the computer- the Internet- so quickly I can allow words to flow through; deep bowing to the magic of the fire that is coming through in the furnace on this slightly chilled morning.

I am in deep bow to the journey within today and the gift it will be to others as I show up differently- there are some tasks today and I can feel myself doing them with fun and joy and grace- cleaning the bathroom and changing the sheets for another guest in the house- as the family gathers to be with Donna on her body’s journey out of this world.  The packing of some belongings so I can move in next door for a bit- sweet offer of the neighbor and friend of Donna- she has also asked me to share a meal with her tonight- can feel the energetic gift this is to her as well!

I sit in quiet and reverence for other gifts to be allowed in today- all my dreams and visions are coming true!

With deep love and peace,

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