Friday, August 3, 2012

Something's burning

Wow- a potent few days; as I awoke and prepared some coffee and sat down to read the daily prayer from Rev Angela, I begin to feel the familiar thing my body does when something is up- all over heating up and the same time, I am aware that everything and I mean everything is flowing perfectly- the feeling of Being love while I am transcribing and filing at the temporary law office gig that I am at this week and that is all that is needed- I don't need to use my magical powers to save anyone- I just need to Be and I am and enjoying  performing new tasks and having new experiences; the feeling each night while I try to sleep of an enlarging going on- on the night of the full moon, actually feeling I am God for more than 1 minute; the letting go and seeing of attachment immediately and then seeing something else coming in; the flow of cash coming in and the choosing of an easier life around that; and the reading of this piece of the prayer that speaks to me in a way I feel I will carry all day:

I was not created to suffer, to learn lessons, to improve myself, or to somehow 'get better'. I was created by the Universe to create a life that contains...whatever I choose. Because the laws of the Universe operate upon what I truly believe, if I believe that I must suffer to experience a life of spiritual connection, I receive suffering in abundance. If I believe that I'm here to learn something I didn't pick up the first time around, life brings me many learning opportunities until I learn by choice or by force. In precisely the same manner, if I believe that I am here to give and receive love without limit, abundance without end, and joy without boundaries, that is what I receive.

I pay close attention to the subtleties of my mind and my heart. I notice when I'm believing
in less than a perfect universe operating perfectly. I see clearly each instance in which I actupon the belief that Life is finite, lacking intelligence, or capricious...AND CHANGE MYMIND. I do this by using my innate and inherent spiritual power to guide my beliefs to theTruth. Anything in me that is out of alignment with the greater expression of Truth for me isnow obliterated by means of this treatment. I'm no longer willing to live life halfway. I trustin the infinite promise of Spirit, that I may have life and have it more abundantly. I trust in the impersonal laws of Spirit, knowing that they work for me as well as anyone, and that they
work perfectly, every time. I place my faith in the creator of all Life, which obviously includes me, knowing that this creator loves me without limit, and is always guiding me to my greater experience. I live this day knowing that I'm here to love, to give, and to celebrate!And I do. And so it is.

The letting go of the story that I am here to learn lessons, to get better, to improve myself- and re-choosing of I am here to give and receive love without limit; abundance without end, and joy without boundaries!

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