Until last night I felt like I was sitting in Cincinnati -waiting- until the retirement comes in, until the car comes from Mexico, until I travel west to Joshua Tree for December 21st and Boulder to land.....
And this morning I awake in a bed next to a cat I have known in the past who is pulsing multidimensional life and I stretch into the day- noticing as I turned the computer on it was 10:10 on 10/10! I lay in bed and feel the possibility of magic and miracles in my life with the statement- I don't even know what that may look like.
I read yesterday words that jumped off the page at me and I apologize for not remembering who wrote them- now is a time of great spaciousness. And I am landing in this being, that this time is about allowing that for me- letting go of another level of the me who has to be doing something all the time. Looking at what I am choosing- staying with a sister right now with my own room and cats and cats to play with and love and be loved. Plenty of places to walk- I can even walk to Trader Joe's my favorite grocery in Cincinnati and a great wine store. I work gigs on the weekend -mostly fun events like weddings and parties where people are happy and have accepted a few house sits where I have cash, car, food coming in.
Am I fully in my body- meaning comfortable with this? No not yet, but today I am feeling space and gratitude for it all- for the place to stay, the gigs, the cash, the food, the cars, the cats, the connecting with those I want to!
And last night before I went to sleep, I received another gift from my dear friend and brother- Jason Knoll- time to let go of the me that can feel it all and has to let everyone know I can- settle into the knowing of who I am and just be it! This came from an awareness of feeling stuff all week and being exhausted yesterday- and Jason suggested the reason I was tired was feeling every one's stuff... i don't know how, but I have asked my God Self to effortlessly and delightfully allow me to let it go...
As I write this a part of me says how does this all go together and the bigger part of me says YES!
Writing it is landing it- thank you for that Elizabeth Lynn!
Today I am grateful for some easy letting go, space, abundance and this magic and miracle that is!
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