Thursday, February 7, 2013

Everything is Holy Now....

Wow is all I can feel and say!  So much has shifted in the last few days- this morning as I sip my coffee and listen to Heather and Benny sing "Everything is Holy Now" , I allow review and words to express what I have been witness to.

I began my volunteer career at the Wild Animal Sanctuary on Tuesday- I got to feed the tigers and mountain lions, leopards and servals- and watch the lynx get fed.  I stood for almost 8 straight hours- having not had that experience for awhile and sorted food for the animals, cleaned big buckets- using my body a lot- coming home and feeling the contentment of giving and receiving in the body!  To witness these magnificent animals up close was such a treat- to witness their behavior- their gratitude- their playfulness- tears well up!  Most of these animals have been abused and all have been kept in environments that didn't allow them to be who they really are!

I also got to know the other volunteers I worked with and heard this story of peer pressure of working really hard, working past your shift- without judgment I stayed clear about what I was willing to experience for myself- I noticed the beginnings of the new leadership as it came close to the end of the shift and we were asked to finish the buckets and the other volunteers looked to me- this new way of being- not doing because it is expected, choosing in the moment, choosing from what takes care of you and knowing that takes care of the whole....whew!

The next day, I awoke to a pigeon flying into the house and choosing to hang out all day- I felt the energy of family and new beginnings- I felt more of my heart open- crying in the morning.  I felt my brother and sister with whom I have not communicated with in awhile- I felt communicating with them and did- with nothing but love in my heart.

Then I took a walk with a dear, dear friend and brother who is feeling challenged right now- at least that is how he presents himself to me....after an emotional conversation, I got that it is a pattern between the two of us- he shows up less than the God he is and I encourage it- we talked openly and lovingly- both of us recognizing this pattern- this pattern that holds us all back- holding each other in less than perfection- wanting it to be different for the other- whew- huge!  And to do this with no story of anyone being wrong- whew!  Both of us committed to shifting this and not really knowing how...except to be aware and to take a break; including canceling the radio show we do together... I could feel the energy moving in my body- especially in my second chakra and throat- I could feel a deep sense of loss when I got home...feeling more into that, it wasn't about him, it was about the pattern. this I read in Rev Angela this morning- this is what I stand for...

"The Absolute Oneness of God is all there is and I recognize this Oneness as Life. I know we are the intention of Good manifesting in the universe. We are the Beauty that erupts from the eternal stillness Itself. Children of perfect Love, Power, and Intelligence."

I refuse to see anything else and when I do, I commit to shifting it within- all this being done in such beautiful self care- bath and glass of wine after the day at the Sanctuary, manicure and pedicure yesterday after the walk and today I am feeling a walk and a massage.

With much love,

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