Saturday, February 26, 2011


This writing comes from the Flock of Freedom writing adventure - part of the new creation of me- I choose to share.  I read Marianne Williamson's poem, Our Deepest Fear- because today what has been asked of me is to integrate all the experiences I am having in this realm around creation- the creation of the inner showing up in the outer.
We are meant to shine, as children do…  I see the lights in my eyes staring back at me in the mirror- the little child comes up to me in drum circle- touches me, looks in my eyes in a knowing that we see each other.
When did I begin to remember? There have been moments- the work in the desert with Steve and Jo; meeting Thomas- feeling this deep connection; meeting Susan and feeling home- as I am writing this I am having a multi-dimensional experience- one where I am present in this house , feeling the heater, listening to the music, typing and at the same time- hearing words spoken through the years;
And now the moments are running together- feel like I am remembering more than forgetting and I have created everything around me to remind me if I forget- there is Thomas, Teacher, Sherry, Susan, Neva, the practices that I love doing- now I hear the words of Julie And Joshanna- talking about my journey of the soul- power, the Sun and spiritual practice- this is it – I am home- this is what is meant by Ascension-coming home to find it in our human body.  I have found home and it is in my third chakra.

So part of my coming home is to own and honor all my creations: Begin by breathing and honor the choices:
·      I created losing everything so that I could really walk this walk- I honor this- remember there was a journey in the desert when I covered myself with ashes.
·      I created coming here alone so I would stay here and learn all that I have learned- learning abut how to live with others  in a sovereign way; began the work with Teacher which allowed me to accept Teacher in me; brought so many parts back to me that I had left behind-  my child- who is in wonderment; Grandmother- my strength and wisdom;
·      I created leaving here- getting clear it was time to leave and leaving in love- now I know how to do that; leaving here with everything taken care of- commitments fulfilled, everything arranged.
·      I created landing somewhere loving and warm and beautiful- to be held in the next phase of creation.
·      I created abundance- lovely food to eat , lots of love, beautiful place to lay my head, money, fun
·      I created health- having with Sherry’s knowledge taken care of a colitis episode earlier in the year without going the traditional route.  My body has never felt stronger- most aches and pains are gone
·      I created the next phase of service- right work- and even though there was a no show today by anyone- I can feel the line of truth in this- keep walking.
There is more- but for now this feels enough to own, to accept, to allow into my Being- the manifestations of my creations.

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