Monday, February 28, 2011

Ask and Ye shall receive!!!

"Life is not a random occurrence; at the core, it is an experiential agreement between many beings from many realities for the purpose of exploration and discovery. Creative expression and supreme responsibility are key components for awakening and developing your spiritual intelligence. Self-empowerment is about examining yourself and knowing how and why you function as you do."   - Rev. Angela

I had to use this quote from Rev. Angela- Monday mornings mean something special is shared and I wish to pay it forward.
My experience today touches on all parts of the message!  Yesterday I had seen an attachment with the  young boy I live with and had asked to see any other attachments I may have so I can inhale back anything I may still be looking outside for- with the young boy it was seeing mySelf as the vibration of sweet, heart filled love.  Today I walked with that to try it on- good thing....

I received an email back from a family member whom I had asked for money on my journey to Mexico- the next step; I had asked for this money when I was in a space of not owning my own ability to create and I had asked for it because they have it.  Well my soul is protecting me because what came back was a response from love and fear.  I got to see where I still had an attachment to family- family the way I had always known it- family of origin.  And as I felt all the feelings that came with this- disappointment, sadness, loss- I began to become aware that family is about consciousness and remember that I create family too- it first has to be felt within and then I get to experience it in the outer world.  

I had asked my family in the old way of wanting something with money and I received that back. I had tried to step back into the old in all ways and my soul was standing strong.  And I am so grateful for the family of origin and the shift the email called in me- I can feel all this in matter of minutes and return home to I am Power.

I honor the family of origin as in the above quote-experiential agreement between many Beings from many realities for the purpose of exploration and discovery.  Asking for the money was important , but it wasn't about the money itself; it was about the lesson- it allowed family to respond so I could see the attachment that would cause an out of alignment at some point.  It allowed me to see where I stepped back into an old way of being.  If the new way of being is standing in my own power and creating- then the new way of being is to stand in trust and allow all that is needed to show up.  Action is important- but it is deliberate action- aligned to the new way of being- no stepping back into old patterns or attachments. 

What I am learning is that I am alone on this journey and I am learning I am supported on this journey- I am learning it is all love- I am learning it is about choice how I experience something- I am learning that each of us stands as God.


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