We have been on a journey- shifting this consciousness- experiencing the possibilities and saying yes or no- when a no is proclaimed, we move on. We have learned to move on no matter who in our lives has chosen to stay behind- we have learned to move on at first some shaky and each time getting closer and closer to leaving with love- some of us have learned that when we choose to move on, there is also a physical move that happens- more and more this is seen as the spreading of the seeds of love.
As we sit here in this place where we started, we feel the coming of full circle- we feel the love that we have carried throughout all the journey- we feel the beauty in the simplicity- we feel and see the impact we have on others lives- we see and feel that we have indeed done what we came here to do!
It was never PollyAnna or Scarlett O’Hara- it was a deep knowing that we are life- we are creation- we are love- we are all of it!
And we keep receiving gifts to assist in the landing of this- the article recently written by Lauren Gorgo- “we have delivered us from evil.” The article written by Aluna Joy-
“We are the trees that stand firm while the world transforms around us. We may bend, but we will not break. We are anchored into the new frequency, and anything that does not resonate with this new frequency will disintegrate around us . . . leaving us standing strong and tall. Our feet are at the core of the Earth, and our crown is the sun.
We all came here for one main purpose. We came here to see this shift of the age . . . to see the victory that is coming. When we do, that part inside of us that we can't fulfill will be satisfied, because we will feel HOME. We didn't show up here on Earth to seek the drama of cataclysms, the fulfillment of devastating prophecy or the destruction of an age. We came here to celebrate a new Earth, a new frequency, and a new world. Oh . . . Archangel Michael says "You have had enough dress rehearsals. It is time for the last curtain call. They appreciate our diligence and our focus in a world where it is not terribly easy to do that. “
It comes in from our dear brother Nicky Hamid “So your journey is not about finding anything it is about expansion, your journey is about experiencing, your journey is about enjoying (experiencing joy) the “newness” and exhilaration of the ride for eternity. Experiencing every corner, every dimension, every nuance of energy manifestation of the Cosmos, when, where, and how you see fit. And you take it all Home with You. You take who you are and your eternal, infinite connection with you, on a never ending journey of your own choosing. You are content, at Home and simultaneously in constant evolution and expansion anywhere. Contentment is in the knowing of your place (Home, I AM) and joy is in the experience of change and growth (expansion), of experience just for the sake of it (because you want to).
And it all comes about through absolute unconditional love of Self at One with All That Is.
And it is this Love. Your love, and the fashioning of it in your life Now, that is creating our New World in the soft, all pervasive, power filled energies of this Christmas, 2012 and beyond time.
It will be your love that will lift the whole of humanity up into the light of our miraculous Now..”
It comes in the sweet conversations with people who have never before proclaimed being on a path of any sort- feeling like they are meant to be here and are opening to the new; it comes from those of us on the path who have let go of all thoughts, ways of the old and are on the cliff waiting to jump or who have jumped and are flying…..
Today I say yes and allow even more in- receiving, receiving, receiving…
I love Me- I love You- I love Us- We are the Ones we have been waiting for!
Listening to sweet music we created, drinking strong, hot coffee, feeling and seeing all the brothers and sistars along the way who have touched my life- you know who you are- some of you are still hanging with me! The sun is shining within and without here in Cincinnati, Boulder, Mexico, Wisconsin- everywhere!
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