Saturday, December 24, 2011

Flock of Freedom: Say Yes- That Is All There Is!

Flock of Freedom: Say Yes- That Is All There Is!: We have been on a journey- shifting this consciousness- experiencing the possibilities and saying yes or no- when a no is procl...

Say Yes- That Is All There Is!

We have been on a journey- shifting this consciousness- experiencing the possibilities and saying yes or no- when a no is proclaimed, we move on.  We have learned to move on no matter who in our lives has chosen to stay behind- we have learned to move on at first some shaky and each time getting closer and closer to leaving with love- some of us have learned that when we choose to move on, there is also a physical move that happens- more and more this is seen as the spreading of the seeds of love.

As we sit here in this place where we started, we feel the coming of full circle- we feel the love that we have carried throughout all the journey- we feel the beauty in the simplicity- we feel and see the impact we have on others lives- we see and feel that we have indeed done what we came here to do!

It was never PollyAnna or Scarlett O’Hara- it was a deep knowing that we are life- we are creation- we are love- we are all of it!

And we keep receiving gifts to assist in the landing of this- the article recently written by Lauren Gorgo- “we have delivered us from evil.”  The article written by Aluna Joy-

“We are the trees that stand firm while the world transforms around us. We may bend, but we will not break. We are anchored into the new frequency, and anything that does not resonate with this new frequency will disintegrate around us . . . leaving us standing strong and tall. Our feet are at the core of the Earth, and our crown is the sun.

We all came here for one main purpose. We came here to see this shift of the age . . . to see the victory that is coming. When we do, that part inside of us that we can't fulfill will be satisfied, because we will feel HOME. We didn't show up here on Earth to seek the drama of cataclysms, the fulfillment of devastating prophecy or the destruction of an age. We came here to celebrate a new Earth, a new frequency, and a new world. Oh . . . Archangel Michael says "You have had enough dress rehearsals. It is time for the last curtain call. They appreciate our diligence and our focus in a world where it is not terribly easy to do that. “

It comes in from our dear brother Nicky Hamid “So your journey is not about finding anything it is about expansion, your journey is about experiencing, your journey is about enjoying (experiencing joy) the “newness” and exhilaration of the ride for eternity. Experiencing every corner, every dimension, every nuance of energy manifestation of the Cosmos, when, where, and how you see fit. And you take it all Home with You. You take who you are and your eternal, infinite connection with you, on a never ending journey of your own choosing. You are content, at Home and simultaneously in constant evolution and expansion anywhere. Contentment is in the knowing of your place (Home, I AM) and joy is in the experience of change and growth (expansion), of experience just for the sake of it (because you want to).

And it all comes about through absolute unconditional love of Self at One with All That Is.

And it is this Love. Your love, and the fashioning of it in your life Now, that is creating our New World in the soft, all pervasive, power filled energies of this Christmas, 2012 and beyond time.

It will be your love that will lift the whole of humanity up into the light of our miraculous Now..”

It comes in the sweet conversations with people who have never before proclaimed being on a path of any sort- feeling like they are meant to be here and are opening to the new; it comes from those of us on the path who have let go of all thoughts, ways of the old and are on the cliff waiting to jump or who have jumped and are flying…..

Today I say yes and allow even more in- receiving, receiving, receiving…

I love Me- I love You- I love Us- We are the Ones we have been waiting for!

Listening to sweet music we created, drinking strong, hot coffee, feeling and seeing all the brothers and sistars along the way who have touched my life- you know who you are- some of you are still hanging with me!  The sun is shining within and without here in Cincinnati, Boulder, Mexico, Wisconsin- everywhere!


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Flock of Freedom: We are!

Flock of Freedom: We are!: We Are the One We Have Been Waiting For! We are the fire of creation- see the spark, feel the warmth, keep building the fire wat...

We are!

We Are the One We Have Been Waiting For!

We are the fire of creation- see the spark, feel the warmth, keep building the fire watching the flames reach towards Father- Ahhh…

We are the winds of change- breathe in deeply and exhale powerfully-feel the wind shift as we step into our authenticity.

We are the water that cleanses, heals and removes obstacles- our tears of sadness and joy become the rain that nurtures the seeds that we plant.

We are the physical manifestation of the earth- dive deeply into Mother-honor where we have come from; who we are becoming.

So let us sing and dance together, let us work and play together, see the web that connects us; remember the children we are- let us dream the world we desire into Being- let us write our story NOW!

Join hands around the fire, feel the grounding of the earth under our feet and vibration of heaven above- look into each other’s eyes and vibrate the feeling that you feel within.  Waves of love caress each of us and flow out into the world touching all!


Friday, December 9, 2011

Flock of Freedom: The Unexpected Trip

Flock of Freedom: The Unexpected Trip: · A week ago I landed in Cincinnati after having left here in 2009 with no thought or feeling I would ever return- hahahahahaha!!! Wh...

The Unexpected Trip

·      A week ago I landed in Cincinnati after having left here in 2009 with no thought or feeling I would ever return- hahahahahaha!!!  What a sense of humor we have!

       This came about after my dear friends and family unexpectedly landed in Boulder to visit my brother Jason and myself- they were traveling to Cincinnati from the Oregon area to visit Susan's family- at the last minute they dropped by Boulder and we spent two amazing days creating this strong, peaceful, loving field- by candlelight, sharing openly and honestly- tapping into something larger than any of us; hiking in the mountains and using sage to clear and sweet grass to open up for the new; cooking wonderful meals and sharing a glass of wine.
       Last Wednesday morning I woke up and asked my higher self- what's next?  All that I could feel clearly was the field that we had created and a feeling to keep this up in the physical, no matter what that meant!  I heard the words- "If not now, when?"  This was the morning Susan and Olivier were to leave and so I came out to the living room and spoke with Susan and then Olivier- it was a yes for them!  Then we called Jason to come over and spoke with him about what was up and invited him to come along- he chose to stay.

      So in a matter of a few hours, I was packed and ready to go- it is easier when there isn't so much stuff to travel!  Olivier very graciously and lightly, repacked the van- it was already full with two people's belongings and now a third was added- we were off for the next piece of adventure....

     I stop here and feel appreciation for the design of a life that I can make a choice like this- I feel appreciation for others who are around me to support that- I feel appreciation for the listening to the voice and the action taken.

      We stopped in Oberlin, Kansas and sat outside a convenient store with Wifi checking responses to a few people I had emailed before I left Boulder to see if there was indeed a place to land- I really didn't worry about that one for some reason.  I heard back from two delightful women with generous offers.

       And the trip- wow- what a gift!  I had ridden in the van while we were all living in Mexico, but never for a big trip- Susan and Olivier have created this most amazing way to travel- making everything easy and effortless and comfortable.

      There is a sleeper mattress in the back- so while one is driving and one is in the passenger seat, the other could sleep- we drove right through.... while we drove I asked about how things were arranged and what worked well- feeling that this could be a resource for others- joking I said Olivier could have a website and consulting business.

  •     So if you sleep in the van, a compass is necessary- when you pull into a place in the dark you will want to point the van so the sun doesn't hit you in the eyes in the morning.
  •     If it is cold it also helps to pull over so there is a blocking of the wind and chill.
  •     Peeing in public- of course it is a no brainer for the man, but the woman can open the van passenger door and squat with a cheek on the edge- if the van is facing so that you are exposed your travel partner can hold up a large scarf.
  •     You can stay on the road if you pack traveling food and pack it rich behind the seat so you have access- fruit, nuts, chips, hard boiled eggs.
  •     A lot of stores in the US have Wi Fi access so you can just pull up outside and all McDonalds.
  •     Download a movie on the computer and you can watch it on the road- comfort
  •     An inverter is useful- it charges the computer, cellphone, electric blanket
  •     Packing hints- use the van's seatbelt (all seats are out BTW) to secure things- important to secure big suitcases because of sliding when stopping; essential oils, throat spray and eyedrops within reach of the driver's seat in the door pocket; shoes and toys can be placed in nooks and crannies.
  •     Make different piles of useful and necessary items- stuff under the bed that  you won't need right away- off season- items and overnight bag close by.
  •    Carry an extra 5 gallons of water and always fill up when there is pure water- mountain streams, grocers who sell it.
  •   They have a box for salty and a box for sweet right behind the seats in the van.
  •   Have a system and be flexible- yo never know who will be joining you- bravo to Susan and Olivier .
   This is work of art- this way of living and anyone who wants to know more I would be happy to put you in touch with Olivier and Susan- this was a new experience of traveling so consciously and purposefully.

   So we drove across Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky- eating well, sleeping, chatting, seeing the sites when we could- we even stopped at the Our Lady of the Snow in Missouri and experienced the shrine- what an adventure life can be when I allow it.

  And now I am back in Cincinnati, reconnecting with loved ones and reclaiming parts of me- can't wait to see the next adventure!  

  Feeling stronger and stronger and receiving messages that all is well- that more than a physical move, there has been a shift in consciousness- freedom, ahhhhhh!!!!


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Flock of Freedom: Coming Full Circle

Flock of Freedom: Coming Full Circle: The stopping of healing, the stopping of processing, the stopping of looking outside of myself for any answers, the stopping of...

Coming Full Circle

The stopping of healing, the stopping of processing, the stopping of looking outside of myself for any answers, the stopping of trying to create what I want- as I write this I remember the dead hawks on the trip beside the road- one after another- then Susan and I spoke on it- for me I got that the hawks were always who I sent my prayers to God with- so now I was seeing them on the ground dead- I got time to only look here for the answers- here meaning touching this heart and opening up and allowing the answer… after we spoke we saw more hawks and now they were in the trees and the poles- not dead!

I was the one who got to drive the van back into Cincinnati- at night seeing the city lite up…pretty spectacular; my whole Being shook- here is where I lived most of my life- here is where the journey began- here is where I accomplished so much- here I still have people who remember me- here is where I left in 2009 after letting go of everything in a bankruptcy and foreclosure and went on the road- the road of letting go- the road of experiencing- the road of standing on my own for the first time in my entire life- the road of trust- the road of finding my way back to here- coming full circle both literally and figuratively!

I felt as though there are parts of me that I left behind here and I can feel those parts returning- the only words I have are about the way that I created here- in the world- creating a group of elder care professionals who got together to walk into something different around elder care- creating a Hospice team who served nursing homes lovingly and wholly- creating lots of relationships with men- creating lots of money and the losing of lots of money- creating a drum circle- creating all kinds of small group experiences- creating a house- creating losing that house- creating health- creating moments of illness- creating openings here where I can land softly!

Of all desires, the one that has always remained has been the desire of community- like minded and like hearted ones coming together and playing and singing and dancing and eating and loving and creating a new vibration- that is why I came to Cincinnati – feeling that vibration that was created between the four of us in Boulder and two leaving for Cincinnati- wanting to continue to experience that in the physical; and I landed first at one friend’s place where I felt such love and acceptance- and now I am at another friend’s house- coming full circle to the first landing I had when I left Cincinnati- but oh so  much sweeter and easier- it is like I landed back in the same story with different people and a different location and a very different vibe.

I do not know what tomorrow holds- I am comfortbale in this moment with what this moment is about – I have stopped trying so hard in this moment- I feel more comfortable in me than I have ever before and I am accepting and loving of me- and guess what?  If I peak around I see only the same on the outer……

Friday, November 25, 2011

Flock of Freedom: Owning it all

Flock of Freedom: Owning it all: What a few weeks!!!! I met this most amazing woman in a magical way who is a Buddhist nun- we had an immediate connection- she c...

Owning it all

What a few weeks!!!!

I met this most amazing woman in a magical way who is a Buddhist nun- we had an immediate connection- she crying because I reminded her of someone and I because she shared her vision of a new monastic order and a community vision- Community is what I have been experiencing and embodying over the last few years and it always feels wonderful to meet another who isn't attached to a certain model and is willing to explore in a powerful, sovereign way..

And as it always seems to transpire I got to step up against a growing edge as we talked; when I was told by my new friend that I am as close to a nun as she has met, I was thrown for a loop; wow I had always thought of myself as a natural, sensual woman and yes I have lived a simple life as far as stuff and intimate relationship over the last few years; so why was I so upset over being called a nun?  The first reaction has to do with the history of being taught by nuns my whole life ( that got let go quickly) and the other piece I got was that once again,  I was looking to someone else for definitions and knowledge- after many days of sitting with this statement, I fully accept my ‘nunhood”- the me that has made my relationship with God and the Divine as the most important thing in my life- above intimate relationship with a man/woman/things.  So no I have not taken strict vows and don’t intend to- because for me that feels too rigid- this is what I am :

I am conscious relationship
I am simplicity
I am compassionate service
I am sovereign
I am God
I am present
I am a carer and I am Self care
I am an invitation to play in this new way
I am a reconnection to the earth, other people and the rest of the universe
I am clarity
I am an opening to what’s next
I am abundance and richness
I am owning and loving all parts of me
I am love
I am free

As I accept who I am, I can now begin to see the threads of what is coming together:

As I accept I am a carer and look at how I do that- in all of the other vibrations, I can see others who want to play can join this community and we can serve together- we can be carers of the women who think they are dying- physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.  We can provide service with presence and love and receive cash, housing, food- we receive exactly what we require.  We provide service in a way that aligns with everyone being whole and complete- everyone getting what he or she needs.

I accept and see the thread of the group called Circles that the nun invited me to join- small group work-witnessing and supporting people who are desiring to leave behind poverty and what that all means...

I accept the feel of all I have to do is be out with as many people as possible- I carry the monastic order and am creating community as I walk about Being all the things that I am discovering.  I feel that as I attend social events and look for work.

I accept the gift of being able to stay in the house where I cared for the woman I was employed by as a landing of inviting people in- my friend to cook for; others to spend the night when they don't have a place to stay- this is the landing of the physical of what I have seen and desired.

I accept community that is forming as there has been a few nights of meditation here at the house while I have been here alone; the other night I saw such beautiful amazing lights- asking and hearing the message at the same time- important for you to see and remember the real beauty.  Then I saw Donna ( the woman I cared for)  and my mother- such a warm bright light formed all around us like we sitting in the middle of a flame…  Feeling so protected and held- remember this one dear one…  Bright yellow diamond light- all around…  I said out loud- We are so cared for!

During the meditation, I ended up in the open space that a friend  had spoken of the other day ( the space of having let go of the old and on the other side is a blank space) and was asked what we should have it look like- what to experience?  First I chose no time and I brought that back in this experience and had some fun with that- things showing up suddenly like a lot of money that wasn’t there a minute ago- next was each Being really seeing each other- bringing that back into this experience and people were losing their minds,,,yeah! Running down the streets screaming. Then we decided to play with no form and when we brought that back to this experience to play with- guess what?  There was no hunger, no homelessness, none of the fears associated with these- as I write this I get the message of this – it is the experience of the illusion. Smile….

Wah and a song that played at the last retreat I was on- really listening to the words- all my love, I have gone so beyond; landing that I am God and my life is my ministry- then communicating with a friend on FB about the holiday and how grateful I am to witness her flight of freedom- she shared that I had helped model who to be with her kids when I cared for them and how helpful it is to see me live and enjoy the experience.

This all coming together in a single aligned instant of recognition- owning it all- I am!
