"Life is not a random occurrence; at the core, it is an experiential agreement between many beings from many realities for the purpose of exploration and discovery. Creative expression and supreme responsibility are key components for awakening and developing your spiritual intelligence. Self-empowerment is about examining yourself and knowing how and why you function as you do." - Rev. Angela
I had to use this quote from Rev. Angela- Monday mornings mean something special is shared and I wish to pay it forward.
My experience today touches on all parts of the message! Yesterday I had seen an attachment with the young boy I live with and had asked to see any other attachments I may have so I can inhale back anything I may still be looking outside for- with the young boy it was seeing mySelf as the vibration of sweet, heart filled love. Today I walked with that to try it on- good thing....
I received an email back from a family member whom I had asked for money on my journey to Mexico- the next step; I had asked for this money when I was in a space of not owning my own ability to create and I had asked for it because they have it. Well my soul is protecting me because what came back was a response from love and fear. I got to see where I still had an attachment to family- family the way I had always known it- family of origin. And as I felt all the feelings that came with this- disappointment, sadness, loss- I began to become aware that family is about consciousness and remember that I create family too- it first has to be felt within and then I get to experience it in the outer world.
I had asked my family in the old way of wanting something with money and I received that back. I had tried to step back into the old in all ways and my soul was standing strong. And I am so grateful for the family of origin and the shift the email called in me- I can feel all this in matter of minutes and return home to I am Power.
I honor the family of origin as in the above quote-experiential agreement between many Beings from many realities for the purpose of exploration and discovery. Asking for the money was important , but it wasn't about the money itself; it was about the lesson- it allowed family to respond so I could see the attachment that would cause an out of alignment at some point. It allowed me to see where I stepped back into an old way of being. If the new way of being is standing in my own power and creating- then the new way of being is to stand in trust and allow all that is needed to show up. Action is important- but it is deliberate action- aligned to the new way of being- no stepping back into old patterns or attachments.
What I am learning is that I am alone on this journey and I am learning I am supported on this journey- I am learning it is all love- I am learning it is about choice how I experience something- I am learning that each of us stands as God.
This blog journals one woman's adventure of freedom- the creation of freedom within and the fun of seeing what it begins to look like on the outside.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
The Shift of Ages
I became aware today of a shift- I am totally in love with the two people in my life that over the last year I have felt the most uncomfortable being around. The one, a 12 year old, is a master- anything not accepted and loved in oneself is magnified in him- as such, I have felt anger, dismay at his visits,blaming him for my discomfort, avoided him; today I offered from love to play a game with him. One of his challenges is living deeply in the world of the media-tv, cell phone, video games,computer- so when he comes to visit it is a challenge for him to slow down and just Be. We played poker with his brother and I was able to keep my center most of the time- the relationship between the two of them resembles a Mid-Eastern conflict at times- and enjoy myself. That is amazing! That is magic! And when it came time for him to leave, I felt such deep gratitude for him and the lessons I have learned about loving mySelf -even when he walked out of the house without interaction. I skyped with a friend later and he was surprised to hear the boys were visiting this weekend as I appeared so calm!
I have also noticed for the last few days how I have been so present in love with another member of the family I live with- the person who has always called me out when I am not vibrating in harmony; the person with whom I have projected all of my unhealed stuff on- I like her! I enjoy being around her- I love listening to her- I am really seeing her! What a gift for both of us!
I awoke this morning with this feeling of being so present in the body in the moment and at the same time, feeling connected to other dimensions- have felt that many times throughout this day- especially when I remember to breathe. Today is a day of continued integration of I am Power- as that rolls over me and through me and around me, I am different; I experience life and the reflections of me differently- with love, with acceptance.
What a rich, filled day- and on top of that I experienced some sadness of leaving- focused on the three year old of the house- this child is one Being I have met who is all about heart- pure, simple, love. So while I am Being with all of the other, I am also opening up to the possibility that I am that too-pure,simple love- heart. Noticing an attachment to me means there is something I have not yet accepted in myself- and from experience I know that if the attachment remains, I usually lose what I am attached to.
I have also noticed for the last few days how I have been so present in love with another member of the family I live with- the person who has always called me out when I am not vibrating in harmony; the person with whom I have projected all of my unhealed stuff on- I like her! I enjoy being around her- I love listening to her- I am really seeing her! What a gift for both of us!
I awoke this morning with this feeling of being so present in the body in the moment and at the same time, feeling connected to other dimensions- have felt that many times throughout this day- especially when I remember to breathe. Today is a day of continued integration of I am Power- as that rolls over me and through me and around me, I am different; I experience life and the reflections of me differently- with love, with acceptance.
What a rich, filled day- and on top of that I experienced some sadness of leaving- focused on the three year old of the house- this child is one Being I have met who is all about heart- pure, simple, love. So while I am Being with all of the other, I am also opening up to the possibility that I am that too-pure,simple love- heart. Noticing an attachment to me means there is something I have not yet accepted in myself- and from experience I know that if the attachment remains, I usually lose what I am attached to.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
This writing comes from the Flock of Freedom writing adventure - part of the new creation of me- I choose to share. I read Marianne Williamson's poem, Our Deepest Fear- because today what has been asked of me is to integrate all the experiences I am having in this realm around creation- the creation of the inner showing up in the outer.
We are meant to shine, as children do… I see the lights in my eyes staring back at me in the mirror- the little child comes up to me in drum circle- touches me, looks in my eyes in a knowing that we see each other.
When did I begin to remember? There have been moments- the work in the desert with Steve and Jo; meeting Thomas- feeling this deep connection; meeting Susan and feeling home- as I am writing this I am having a multi-dimensional experience- one where I am present in this house , feeling the heater, listening to the music, typing and at the same time- hearing words spoken through the years;
And now the moments are running together- feel like I am remembering more than forgetting and I have created everything around me to remind me if I forget- there is Thomas, Teacher, Sherry, Susan, Neva, the practices that I love doing- now I hear the words of Julie And Joshanna- talking about my journey of the soul- power, the Sun and spiritual practice- this is it – I am home- this is what is meant by Ascension-coming home to find it in our human body. I have found home and it is in my third chakra.
So part of my coming home is to own and honor all my creations: Begin by breathing and honor the choices:
· I created losing everything so that I could really walk this walk- I honor this- remember there was a journey in the desert when I covered myself with ashes.
· I created coming here alone so I would stay here and learn all that I have learned- learning abut how to live with others in a sovereign way; began the work with Teacher which allowed me to accept Teacher in me; brought so many parts back to me that I had left behind- my child- who is in wonderment; Grandmother- my strength and wisdom;
· I created leaving here- getting clear it was time to leave and leaving in love- now I know how to do that; leaving here with everything taken care of- commitments fulfilled, everything arranged.
· I created landing somewhere loving and warm and beautiful- to be held in the next phase of creation.
· I created abundance- lovely food to eat , lots of love, beautiful place to lay my head, money, fun
· I created health- having with Sherry’s knowledge taken care of a colitis episode earlier in the year without going the traditional route. My body has never felt stronger- most aches and pains are gone
· I created the next phase of service- right work- and even though there was a no show today by anyone- I can feel the line of truth in this- keep walking.
There is more- but for now this feels enough to own, to accept, to allow into my Being- the manifestations of my creations.
Friday, February 25, 2011
The Fear
It has been an expansive few days and today what I am noticing is an underlying vibration of fear- what am I thinking going to Mexico with only this much money? What am I thinking offering a class tomorrow? What do I think I am doing? Well the truth is none of these choices were created in the mind- these were both choices of the heart, of the Divine- created at a time when I was wide open and listening to something other than the mind. As I write this I remember my mind wants to be a part of my life too and I soften- I have been a little hard on my mind because it has been pretty insistent today about worry- so I remember to widen back and ask my heart to include my mind and now I am breathing again.
At another moment today when my heart was wide and able to hug my mind, I was reminded that I had actually created powerfully- I have created house-sit and open invitation to stay once I get down to Mexico which is worth a few thousand for a couple of months- I created a free airline ticket worth probably $300- I created some equipment to use so that I can have groups over the phone or computer which is worth at least $100- I have created a travel partner who has a car so there will be shared expenses in travel which is probably worth a few hundred. So I don't have all the cash I wanted, I have all the things needed for the trip. For right now I breathe and I am grateful for all that has been created!
This is a journey of freedom and I was reminded in my practice this morning - again my thighs told me- to let go of my way or my time stories. This was emphasized as the 5 year old I live with cried loudly and sharply for 20 minutes about not getting something his way in his time!!! What a powerful creator I am! If I don't get the message, I make sure the message is loudly mirrored to me!
So all day I breathe and am aware of this underlying vibe of fear and I still experience my creations and gratefully find a check in the mailbox from family/friend on the way to the monthly drum circle. Keeping with the theme of the day of letting go of my way and my story, I let go of my djembe drum- leaving it to the drum circle because it felt right. I am down to two suitcase and a strong desire to travel light which doesn't include my drums.
So right now, the fear is still present - not so loud, I am feeling a little tired and have a desire to watch Grey's Anatomy before bed- grateful for the walking of this day, the living fully of this day.
At another moment today when my heart was wide and able to hug my mind, I was reminded that I had actually created powerfully- I have created house-sit and open invitation to stay once I get down to Mexico which is worth a few thousand for a couple of months- I created a free airline ticket worth probably $300- I created some equipment to use so that I can have groups over the phone or computer which is worth at least $100- I have created a travel partner who has a car so there will be shared expenses in travel which is probably worth a few hundred. So I don't have all the cash I wanted, I have all the things needed for the trip. For right now I breathe and I am grateful for all that has been created!
This is a journey of freedom and I was reminded in my practice this morning - again my thighs told me- to let go of my way or my time stories. This was emphasized as the 5 year old I live with cried loudly and sharply for 20 minutes about not getting something his way in his time!!! What a powerful creator I am! If I don't get the message, I make sure the message is loudly mirrored to me!
So all day I breathe and am aware of this underlying vibe of fear and I still experience my creations and gratefully find a check in the mailbox from family/friend on the way to the monthly drum circle. Keeping with the theme of the day of letting go of my way and my story, I let go of my djembe drum- leaving it to the drum circle because it felt right. I am down to two suitcase and a strong desire to travel light which doesn't include my drums.
So right now, the fear is still present - not so loud, I am feeling a little tired and have a desire to watch Grey's Anatomy before bed- grateful for the walking of this day, the living fully of this day.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
I knew today was going to be an interesting day when I got out of the shower and looked in the mirror that was steamed up and saw two lights where my eyes normally are- I kept staring and widening back and the lights remained staring back at me!! A little ETish... no fear, just a wow!
When I opened up my computer a message from my dear friend in Mexico jumped out at me and I mean jumped out- time stood still and I was present to all my feelings at the same time and some deeper meaning crept into my awareness-it was a music video with the words- we are leaving, everything is okay.... The message I got was that she was leaving and since I am looking forward to seeing her in the flesh, one of the experiences I had was disappointment. And I also experienced fear, sadness and some awareness that if I am truly going to be free one of the learnings is can I be peaceful with being alone- I am feeling the power of creation right now and my question to myself while all this was happening in less than a minute- is can I trust myself?
While I was experiencing this, another friend chatted me up and what became apparent is that the three of us (so that probably means everyone) are at a choice point on many levels-where we are feels very familiar and this was echoed by my friend and I know I am being called to respond differently than ever before.
I am working with someone right now as Teacher and my session with him was right after all this happened- as I sat and spoke, rubbing my thighs (my thighs carry messages of what needs to be let go ) I was traveling in many dimensions and he could feel it. One of the pieces of work I am exploring is this portal that is attached to my root chakra and seems to travel back to the point of separation- as I allowed words out what came up is that this is all somehow linked to that point of separation- not sure what that means, know the vibration is true. Tomorrow's work may reveal more of this.
What he observed and he has known me for a long time is that when some awareness like this has happened in the past I would crumble and I didn't- he could feel all the emotions as I could and I didn't let them rule me- I felt so wide that I held all the emotions, all the awareness, all the learnings and more- the more that didn't have words. And I didn't even need him to speak those words- I could feel all of that and more- maybe this is what happens when consciousness shifts?
This was my experience of the morning- after that my little three year old friend asked me to watch a new Thomas the Train movie with him- we snuggled and ate popcorn and then I went outside and played in the snow!
Right now in this moment, I am feeling clear and strong and I have a deep desire to have a glass of wine and some chocolate....yummy.... and there is more to the day... have the desire right now to write before I head into town for a meeting.
When I opened up my computer a message from my dear friend in Mexico jumped out at me and I mean jumped out- time stood still and I was present to all my feelings at the same time and some deeper meaning crept into my awareness-it was a music video with the words- we are leaving, everything is okay.... The message I got was that she was leaving and since I am looking forward to seeing her in the flesh, one of the experiences I had was disappointment. And I also experienced fear, sadness and some awareness that if I am truly going to be free one of the learnings is can I be peaceful with being alone- I am feeling the power of creation right now and my question to myself while all this was happening in less than a minute- is can I trust myself?
While I was experiencing this, another friend chatted me up and what became apparent is that the three of us (so that probably means everyone) are at a choice point on many levels-where we are feels very familiar and this was echoed by my friend and I know I am being called to respond differently than ever before.
I am working with someone right now as Teacher and my session with him was right after all this happened- as I sat and spoke, rubbing my thighs (my thighs carry messages of what needs to be let go ) I was traveling in many dimensions and he could feel it. One of the pieces of work I am exploring is this portal that is attached to my root chakra and seems to travel back to the point of separation- as I allowed words out what came up is that this is all somehow linked to that point of separation- not sure what that means, know the vibration is true. Tomorrow's work may reveal more of this.
What he observed and he has known me for a long time is that when some awareness like this has happened in the past I would crumble and I didn't- he could feel all the emotions as I could and I didn't let them rule me- I felt so wide that I held all the emotions, all the awareness, all the learnings and more- the more that didn't have words. And I didn't even need him to speak those words- I could feel all of that and more- maybe this is what happens when consciousness shifts?
This was my experience of the morning- after that my little three year old friend asked me to watch a new Thomas the Train movie with him- we snuggled and ate popcorn and then I went outside and played in the snow!
Right now in this moment, I am feeling clear and strong and I have a deep desire to have a glass of wine and some chocolate....yummy.... and there is more to the day... have the desire right now to write before I head into town for a meeting.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Twelve Days of Freedom
And so it begins again... my desire and pledge to mySelf is to write daily on this new blog that I created - the last blog I created was with the help of a dear friend ; it was called Simple Being- perfect for where I was and still applicable in so many ways. The server that hosted Simple Being crashed a few weeks ago and all was lost.... felt like it was time to Be something new.
This also coincides with a move- in 12 days I fly to Mexico to take the next step in my soul's journey. There are friends there and there was an invitation to try it on-the feel was right; the look is lining up as long as I can let go of the way I thought the money would line up! I felt a companion and I have been introduced to a wonderful woman with whom I will travel; I felt a car and I will be meeting her in Austin and driving down together; I felt luxury and warmth and the possibilities of beautiful places to land keep showing up- can feel the openness of the people there.
The decision to move came deliberately and I have wanted to escape to Mexico for over a year. I have been living with loving family for over a year- and the adults in the house made a conscious decision to live deliberately in "I create everything and I create in harmony." Let me tell you I have come up against myself so many times in the last year - I have to own everything- powerful and uncomfortable way of Being- try it sometime! So for me the walk was to stay even when it felt like I wanted to run- that is a pattern of mine. I stayed and am still doing my work- making sure that whatever lesson or insight into me is integrated before I leave. And I long for a warmer climate and large bodies of water and mountains.....
Not running- deliberately choosing!
At the same time, I am getting cleaner and clearer about service- imagine that- doing my work creates space for something new! I am offering my first online journal adventure this week!
Lots happening and for today in this moment, I am breathing and feeling open to the possibilities, and aware of the fear running underneath..
This also coincides with a move- in 12 days I fly to Mexico to take the next step in my soul's journey. There are friends there and there was an invitation to try it on-the feel was right; the look is lining up as long as I can let go of the way I thought the money would line up! I felt a companion and I have been introduced to a wonderful woman with whom I will travel; I felt a car and I will be meeting her in Austin and driving down together; I felt luxury and warmth and the possibilities of beautiful places to land keep showing up- can feel the openness of the people there.
The decision to move came deliberately and I have wanted to escape to Mexico for over a year. I have been living with loving family for over a year- and the adults in the house made a conscious decision to live deliberately in "I create everything and I create in harmony." Let me tell you I have come up against myself so many times in the last year - I have to own everything- powerful and uncomfortable way of Being- try it sometime! So for me the walk was to stay even when it felt like I wanted to run- that is a pattern of mine. I stayed and am still doing my work- making sure that whatever lesson or insight into me is integrated before I leave. And I long for a warmer climate and large bodies of water and mountains.....
Not running- deliberately choosing!
At the same time, I am getting cleaner and clearer about service- imagine that- doing my work creates space for something new! I am offering my first online journal adventure this week!
Lots happening and for today in this moment, I am breathing and feeling open to the possibilities, and aware of the fear running underneath..
Change; Freedom;Joy
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