Monday, March 21, 2011

The Shift

Good morning from sunny Mexico!!!  I awake this morning after a dream of saying a final, loving goodbye to the person in my life that represents the Hero; in life, he saw me before I saw myself and encouraged me and loved me and always was the voice of reason asking the "hard" questions.  I receive the message that it is time to become my own Hero.  I also get that I don't know the how of that so I ask for help from my Higher Self to keep showing me!
There is something that is coming together for me this morning as I read a post by Carolyn Myss about the recent earthquake in Japan- she speaks of the simple truth that we are connected to the earth and all life.  Yesterday the woman I am sharing a place with and I had a conversation about life- I am experiencing a connection to all life- no matter what age or whether life has two legs or four legs or any legs- maybe life has roots or wings.  I asked the question- is any life better or more important than another and can I be with all life in simple acceptance- that seems to be what is up for me as I navigate through a country and a culture that is unfamiliar.  Carolyn said that life is out of balance and that is what is happening on the earth right now- I can see that in my own life- the out of balance- going from unconscious consumer of all resources to conscious and choosing lack consumer of resources; going from looking for the answers outside of myself to finding them within; going from passive surrender to active surrender; - I am finding my balance as well.  The balance for me is to create richness all my experiences.
Part of the balance is saying no to my mind- which has run the show for oh so long.  Last night after an expansive weekend- my mind began to chatter- oh nothing has changed, you are still the same person......
So I chose to sit down and meditate and write about what has happened since I came here a week and a half ago- the world has shifted!  The earth shifted and so did I - no surprise there if I step past what the forgetting mind was trying to tell me and allowed the truth to come up.
-  I experience no past and the gift of staying present more and more
-  I had money stolen and received the gift of looking deeply into all the stories about money that I was living with
-  I have reclaimed creativity in the kitchen
-  I am living with a woman with whom I share authentically the quiet and the conversation
-  I co-created two times of Being with three other people where a different field was created and I stepped into that- one of the awareness I had was that I still carried the "holding" of the planet and again I do not know how to be with that so I ask my Higher Self for assistance
-  I created unexpected money coming in and a possible flow in service
-  I experienced a group call that opens up worlds in possibilities
-  I created the experience of a sweat lodge
-  I experienced a drumming group on the boardwalk during full moon that met all my creations- outdoors, children, older people, dancing, voice....

I acknowledge the shifting and balancing that I am doing and Being along with the Great Mother....  And I acknowledge thatn the shifts do not have show themselves on the outer to be real!!!

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