Self-Forgiveness as a Doorway to the New World 12/05 by Imagine1 | Blog Talk Radio
In joy!
This blog journals one woman's adventure of freedom- the creation of freedom within and the fun of seeing what it begins to look like on the outside.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
The Eclipse Portals 11/28 by Imagine1 | Blog Talk Radio
The Eclipse Portals 11/28 by Imagine1 | Blog Talk Radio
Lots of info; lots of energy; lots of love!!!
In joy!
Lots of info; lots of energy; lots of love!!!
In joy!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
The Energy of Gratitude 11/21 by Imagine1 | Blog Talk Radio
The Energy of Gratitude 11/21 by Imagine1 | Blog Talk Radio
Become a part of the "Great Coming Together!"
Become a part of the "Great Coming Together!"
Thursday, November 15, 2012
In the Moment 11/14 by Imagine1 | Blog Talk Radio
In the Moment 11/14 by Imagine1 | Blog Talk Radio
Where are you? Letting go- straddling- seeing more and more of the new? Raw and powerful sharing!
Where are you? Letting go- straddling- seeing more and more of the new? Raw and powerful sharing!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Trust- The New Frontier 10/31 by Imagine1 | Blog Talk Radio
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
Poised on the Edge 10/17 by Imagine1 | Blog Talk Radio
Poised on the Edge 10/17 by Imagine1 | Blog Talk Radio
The show airs Wednesday October 17th 8:00PM EDT and 6:00PM MDT- or listen to the archive at the same link- we would love to hear what's up in your world!
The show airs Wednesday October 17th 8:00PM EDT and 6:00PM MDT- or listen to the archive at the same link- we would love to hear what's up in your world!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Flock of Freedom: Spaciousness, abundance & gratitude
Flock of Freedom: Spaciousness, abundance & gratitude: Until last night I felt like I was sitting in Cincinnati -waiting- until the retirement comes in, until the car comes from Mexico, until I t...
Spaciousness, abundance & gratitude
Until last night I felt like I was sitting in Cincinnati -waiting- until the retirement comes in, until the car comes from Mexico, until I travel west to Joshua Tree for December 21st and Boulder to land.....
And this morning I awake in a bed next to a cat I have known in the past who is pulsing multidimensional life and I stretch into the day- noticing as I turned the computer on it was 10:10 on 10/10! I lay in bed and feel the possibility of magic and miracles in my life with the statement- I don't even know what that may look like.
I read yesterday words that jumped off the page at me and I apologize for not remembering who wrote them- now is a time of great spaciousness. And I am landing in this being, that this time is about allowing that for me- letting go of another level of the me who has to be doing something all the time. Looking at what I am choosing- staying with a sister right now with my own room and cats and cats to play with and love and be loved. Plenty of places to walk- I can even walk to Trader Joe's my favorite grocery in Cincinnati and a great wine store. I work gigs on the weekend -mostly fun events like weddings and parties where people are happy and have accepted a few house sits where I have cash, car, food coming in.
Am I fully in my body- meaning comfortable with this? No not yet, but today I am feeling space and gratitude for it all- for the place to stay, the gigs, the cash, the food, the cars, the cats, the connecting with those I want to!
And last night before I went to sleep, I received another gift from my dear friend and brother- Jason Knoll- time to let go of the me that can feel it all and has to let everyone know I can- settle into the knowing of who I am and just be it! This came from an awareness of feeling stuff all week and being exhausted yesterday- and Jason suggested the reason I was tired was feeling every one's stuff... i don't know how, but I have asked my God Self to effortlessly and delightfully allow me to let it go...
As I write this a part of me says how does this all go together and the bigger part of me says YES!
Writing it is landing it- thank you for that Elizabeth Lynn!
Today I am grateful for some easy letting go, space, abundance and this magic and miracle that is!
And this morning I awake in a bed next to a cat I have known in the past who is pulsing multidimensional life and I stretch into the day- noticing as I turned the computer on it was 10:10 on 10/10! I lay in bed and feel the possibility of magic and miracles in my life with the statement- I don't even know what that may look like.
I read yesterday words that jumped off the page at me and I apologize for not remembering who wrote them- now is a time of great spaciousness. And I am landing in this being, that this time is about allowing that for me- letting go of another level of the me who has to be doing something all the time. Looking at what I am choosing- staying with a sister right now with my own room and cats and cats to play with and love and be loved. Plenty of places to walk- I can even walk to Trader Joe's my favorite grocery in Cincinnati and a great wine store. I work gigs on the weekend -mostly fun events like weddings and parties where people are happy and have accepted a few house sits where I have cash, car, food coming in.
Am I fully in my body- meaning comfortable with this? No not yet, but today I am feeling space and gratitude for it all- for the place to stay, the gigs, the cash, the food, the cars, the cats, the connecting with those I want to!
And last night before I went to sleep, I received another gift from my dear friend and brother- Jason Knoll- time to let go of the me that can feel it all and has to let everyone know I can- settle into the knowing of who I am and just be it! This came from an awareness of feeling stuff all week and being exhausted yesterday- and Jason suggested the reason I was tired was feeling every one's stuff... i don't know how, but I have asked my God Self to effortlessly and delightfully allow me to let it go...
As I write this a part of me says how does this all go together and the bigger part of me says YES!
Writing it is landing it- thank you for that Elizabeth Lynn!
Today I am grateful for some easy letting go, space, abundance and this magic and miracle that is!
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
KnowPhest 10/10 by Imagine1 | Blog Talk Radio
KnowPhest 10/10 by Imagine1 | Blog Talk Radio
Tune in tomorrow night for a chance to win a ticket to KnowPhest this weekend! 8-8:45PM EDT
Tune in tomorrow night for a chance to win a ticket to KnowPhest this weekend! 8-8:45PM EDT
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Celebrating Unity Consciousness- A Twin Flame Perspective 09/26 by Imagine1 | Blog Talk Radio
Celebrating Unity Consciousness- A Twin Flame Perspective 09/26 by Imagine1 | Blog Talk Radio
Here is the link for last night's radio show- clear and helpful conversation about Twin Flames and Unity Consciousness- tune in next week for the dreaming in of the new during the "Shift of Ages." Happening now in a body near you....
Here is the link for last night's radio show- clear and helpful conversation about Twin Flames and Unity Consciousness- tune in next week for the dreaming in of the new during the "Shift of Ages." Happening now in a body near you....
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Flock of Freedom: Inspiration
Flock of Freedom: Inspiration: Hello there, This bright, chill in the air Saturday morning- I sit in a chair, wrapped in a blanket and am in deep appreciation for all of ...
Hello there,
This bright, chill in the air Saturday morning- I sit in a chair, wrapped in a blanket and am in deep appreciation for all of us- I am inspired by my own life and the lives of those around me.
There is something undeniable happening in this world and movement and change are the song of each day- and yet here we are for the most part, awakening in gratitude for each day.
Today is the new moon and it is a time that energetically supports desires, intentions, goals- on this day I send forth the Flock of Freedom newsletter- an offer from my heart to yours. Inspiring stories, sharing from everyday heroes- delight in them, allow them to inspire you. Today on this full moon, I offer this and allow the next piece of who I am in service to the One to come forth!
This bright, chill in the air Saturday morning- I sit in a chair, wrapped in a blanket and am in deep appreciation for all of us- I am inspired by my own life and the lives of those around me.
There is something undeniable happening in this world and movement and change are the song of each day- and yet here we are for the most part, awakening in gratitude for each day.
Today is the new moon and it is a time that energetically supports desires, intentions, goals- on this day I send forth the Flock of Freedom newsletter- an offer from my heart to yours. Inspiring stories, sharing from everyday heroes- delight in them, allow them to inspire you. Today on this full moon, I offer this and allow the next piece of who I am in service to the One to come forth!
Flock of Freedom Issue 1 September 2012
Celebrate the Anthology
Stories of everyday heroes like you and me!
Some of you know that this summer, we were
accepted as a Kickstarter project! That in itself is
amazing and heart-opening! Special thanks to
all who opened their hearts and their
checkbooks! And sad to say we did not meet
our funding goal- purpose was to support the
publishing of the book!
In Kickstarter world that means everyone who
pledged money did not have to pay- and in my world
that just means I create a different way of sharing the
stories of the many amazing people I meet.
This is to inspire us all into the next level of greatness
that we all are!
Update on Flock of Freedom Project
First, September 2012
This newsletter highlights stories, poems, and
other offers about everyday heroes like you and
me creating the new world in each breath, in each
step that we take!
Flock of Freedom is on the move- returning to
Cincinnati, Ohio for a brief time and then off to
Please join us every Wednesday night 8:00 PM
EST on the radio with our dear friend, brother and
co-creator Jason Knoll:
For information about other services and offers,
please contact Elizabeth Lynn Rohr at or 513-429-4452.
Individual sessions, small groups created to allow
forth the sovereign Being you are- specifically
designed to accept the freedom you have already
You pick an issue, an area of life that you desire
more freedom in and we will co-create what
works for both of us!
Be the change you wish to see in the world!
Flock of Freedom Issue 1, September 2012
Kai’s Story
She begins with her feelings, thought on courage- people say to her oh you are so
courageous as you left your home and business and everything you knew to go out on
the road. That is not how it felt- it didn’t feel like it had anything to do with courage- it
felt like it was the next logical step.
“For me to stay would have been for me to die.” “That’s true for Chris (her Beloved and
partner) also. “
Kai has had other big steps as she left a marriage after 15 years with no money and no
prospects; she left her apartment in NYC to get married to Chris, not really knowing
what that was all about; she became a teacher of process work when someone called up
and said- “I hear you teach” and she began to teach.
For Kai, all of these major shifts had nothing to do with courage in her words, but more
to do with having enough Presence to what the next step is.
She relates all courage to meaning heart- that all of those moments, she listened to her
heart rather than to any degree of logic. Listening to the inner voice rather than the mind
voice that was saying, what you are out of your mind!
Kai says she doesn’t believe that the ego self/personality self has much access to
freedom. We make up stories about freedom and pretend we are free. Freedom comes
through when we get under our conditioned selves and are willing to live from that
The biggest place that freedom shows up is when one refuses to be afraid of death. When
you are not afraid of death you are willing to go for it. What’s the worst thing that can
happen- dying- well that is no big problem.
Our culture limits us- making us afraid- if you don’t eat right you will die; if you don’t go
to the doctor you will die; if you leave all your belongings and go out on the road you
will die; you don’t have enough money you will die.
“My mother died when I was 13- so I have spent the last 52 years unraveling that puzzle
and the place I came out was that my mother made a contract with our family to give us
the best possible start, love us, give you a good sense of who you are and to launch you
and then I am going to leave. This was a huge gift that she gave and she didn’t die. This
was the beginning of my understanding that death is not what we are told it is.”
Flock of Freedom Issue 1, September 2012
Kai’s story continued:
“I had a brother who died at 3 days old when I was 20 months old and 2 weeks later I went into
convulsions and my parents though I was going to die too. The story I made up about this is that I
did die and that I looked down and saw my parents grieving and I said I would come back. I think
there is a place in me that has left and come back and remembers that- that there is a portal that I can
come and go; my experience with the spiritual work that I do I watch the form go in and out so fast
and so ecstatically that there is nothing- it is just the way it is. This state is so familiar to me.”
So freedom is really not being afraid of dying for Kai.
She shares of her partner and Beloved Chris her belief that in his human form he wanted nothing else
but to feel exquisitely- feel to the depths- to have no resistance to feeling.
Kai then shares a story of an exercise she used to do in the class she taught- you ask the person what
their worst fear was and then the object was to find out how the worst fear was a blessing. Chris’s
worst fear and favorite story was that he would be captured and buried up to his neck (he saw this in
a cowboy/Indian movie) and covered by honey and then eaten by ants. And when the cancer went
to his brain, in a way that is exactly what happened. He told this story over and over.
Flock of Freedom Issue 1, September 2012
Kai’s story continued:
While he was experiencing the cancer, Kai would say to him, so tell me how to heal your body and he
answered, I wouldn’t want to heal this until I knew what this was. He was in the process of feeling
exquisitely. And so it ended up that he had to leave his body. He died. Kai believes that it was his
deepest heart’s desire to feel that way and there was no resistance. This is freedom-“ I don’t have to
stay within the lines to have this experience and this longing- I can go as far as I can imagine.”
Tune in every Wednesday night 8:00 PM EST on BlogTalk Radio
for your opportunity to share your dream of the New World; get reconnected with your
dreams or learn of others’ dreams! Or listen to the archives!
This is a co-creation between myself and Jason Knoll- creator of Imaginal. We are able to create a
magical space where remembering happens, where new worlds are born, where exactly what is
needed is created with the next theme!
Flock of Freedom Issue 1, September 2012
Angel Pricer of Harrisburg, PA.- a mother, a wife, a writer, an embodied GodBeing
Angel is a woman I first connected with on Facebook when I landed in Pennsylvania in the summer
of 2012. It got created that we met at a park one day in late August- walked, broke bread together
and then sat with the geese and chatted.
She shared much with me that day, as I did with her- one of the things she shared was some words
that hang in her home that speak of the Aquarian Age- the age we are now in!
• Remember that the other person is you!
• Vibrate the cosmos and the cosmos will clear the way.
Some other wisdom she shared with me that day is the power of nature for her- nature reminds you
that life is happening all the time and we can choose to live or not! And she is aware that all of that is
Angel also spoke of the deep place within that she knows- the Being and I asked her about creating
from that place. She replied: “Being witnessed in what gets created in the forgetfulness and the
powerfulness that is- there are no limits to the power of creation in the Being. So why do I limit
Angel does such a better job of writing and speaking and I encourage you to visit her on her blog for
more inspiration. Please connect with Angel at
Flock of Freedom Issue 1, September 2012
A small grey squirrel skips lightly over an
electric wire, shining black tightrope, slightly
bouncing over the twisty wet road.
No effort, just slithering, snake-like and sleek,
undulating gently like circus gymnasts, netless
and buoyant, simple walking on air.
But really he holds on for dear life, claws
gripping the rubber, no acrobatic feats of wonder
and grace, but gravity and fall, just seconds
One misstep, and he tumbles, tail over
nose, onto the slick road in a squirming mess of
blurred fur and white bone.
He doesn't feel like a performer, doesn't hear
the roar of the crowd, doesn't smell the
pungency of happy sweat and fresh popcorn
He only leaps, eyes slitting, teeth ground,
muscles tense, believing in all four claws, that
he'll make it to the other side.
Flock of Freedom Issue 1, September 2012
Meet the Sabi Girl- Nancy Grace
Flock of Freedom Issue 1 September 2012
Message from Elizabeth Lynn:
I am honored and inspired to know these women – they exemplify freedom to me- the
teacher of children, the mother/poet, the Sabi girl, and the journeywoman! I just met
the mother/poet and feel like we have known each other for years. I travelled to and
from Mexico and lived for months with the Sabi Girl. The teacher who wrote the poem
is a woman I have known for a few years and we have done some deep spiritual work
together. The journeywoman I met last year after hearing about her and her Beloved
for years- we got to spend two lovely days together this summer!
I am Free- these women are Free! Do you know you are free too!
Call to action: 1. Contact me with your freedom story- 513-429-4452 or 2. Listen to the Imagine Radio Show!
6091 Dryden Ave.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45213
Friday, September 7, 2012
Does it matter or doesn’t it??? 09/05 by Imagine1 | Blog Talk Radio
Does it matter or doesn’t it??? 09/05 by Imagine1 | Blog Talk Radio
Here is the first radio show archive- please listen and in joy- next week- same time, same place if you would like to call in!!!
Here is the first radio show archive- please listen and in joy- next week- same time, same place if you would like to call in!!!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Flock of Freedom: Healing Prayers & the Paradigm Jump
Flock of Freedom: Healing Prayers & the Paradigm Jump: This morning, as is the practice that I have returned to, I lay in bed and asked the question what wants to be created today? It is a quest...
Healing Prayers & the Paradigm Jump
This morning, as is the practice that I have returned to, I lay in bed and asked the question what wants to be created today? It is a question that is more about the Being of the day that will direct the doing...and there are days where the answer comes swiftly and days where the answer comes slowly!
Today's answer was swift and alignment was the feel and word- an energy running up and down my spine!
The woman whose house I am staying had a client coming over and I had wanted to experience the Healing Prayer Circle I kept seeing advertised at a local B & B- so off I go!
I am greeted by a lone woman who sweetly took me into a room and gave me a prayer request sheet- feeling into it- I chose different words than ever before- I asked to be more open and more in a receiving mode for all the riches, pleasures, experiences- as I venture out on the next phase of this adventure called life. The woman offered to show me around the B & B and for those of you who know me, know I said yes gleefully! I love looking at space and rooms! The whole place has a peaceful and soft energy about we walked, we shared and at one point she looked at me and asked- "Are you an angel- did you get sent here today for me?" I began to smile and tear up a bit and admitted I have been called an angel - although it felt like a big thing to admit to.
By now a friend of hers had come and they went off to pray for a bit and then they invited me in- again we chatted and the other woman asked lots of questions- including the one- "Have I accepted Jesus in my life?' Without hesitation, I answered yes. I have not been baptized in a church again, but in that moment, I got that I have accepted Jesus in my life. I walk like Jesus- Jesus the son of God who came to earth and was human and God at the same time.
Then I got to experience what others may label channeling the Holy Spirit- the speaking in tongues, the anointing with oils, the laying of hands, the channeling of words and feelings- the whole time I kept sinking more and more into this safe space- leaving behind the judgments, the hurts of churches in my own life- I heard words that I have felt and heard for years in my own dreams and visions- freedom, peace, going places where others do not go, relationships, new.
I showed up vulnerable and real! I experienced as if I had been at a Pink Tent celebration, a drumming circle, a dance....something huge happened today and I am stronger for it- there is more of the vibration of me/God!
I went to a healing prayer circle and I jumped this paradigm of separateness because of the religion I practice- I experienced oneness and so did the ladies!!!
So grateful, so blessed....
Elizabeth Lynn
Today's answer was swift and alignment was the feel and word- an energy running up and down my spine!
The woman whose house I am staying had a client coming over and I had wanted to experience the Healing Prayer Circle I kept seeing advertised at a local B & B- so off I go!
I am greeted by a lone woman who sweetly took me into a room and gave me a prayer request sheet- feeling into it- I chose different words than ever before- I asked to be more open and more in a receiving mode for all the riches, pleasures, experiences- as I venture out on the next phase of this adventure called life. The woman offered to show me around the B & B and for those of you who know me, know I said yes gleefully! I love looking at space and rooms! The whole place has a peaceful and soft energy about we walked, we shared and at one point she looked at me and asked- "Are you an angel- did you get sent here today for me?" I began to smile and tear up a bit and admitted I have been called an angel - although it felt like a big thing to admit to.
By now a friend of hers had come and they went off to pray for a bit and then they invited me in- again we chatted and the other woman asked lots of questions- including the one- "Have I accepted Jesus in my life?' Without hesitation, I answered yes. I have not been baptized in a church again, but in that moment, I got that I have accepted Jesus in my life. I walk like Jesus- Jesus the son of God who came to earth and was human and God at the same time.
Then I got to experience what others may label channeling the Holy Spirit- the speaking in tongues, the anointing with oils, the laying of hands, the channeling of words and feelings- the whole time I kept sinking more and more into this safe space- leaving behind the judgments, the hurts of churches in my own life- I heard words that I have felt and heard for years in my own dreams and visions- freedom, peace, going places where others do not go, relationships, new.
I showed up vulnerable and real! I experienced as if I had been at a Pink Tent celebration, a drumming circle, a dance....something huge happened today and I am stronger for it- there is more of the vibration of me/God!
I went to a healing prayer circle and I jumped this paradigm of separateness because of the religion I practice- I experienced oneness and so did the ladies!!!
So grateful, so blessed....
Elizabeth Lynn
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Flock of Freedom: Integration, breathing, space...ahhh...creation!
Flock of Freedom: Integration, breathing, space...ahhh...creation!: Do not judge yourselves for not being where your soul knows you are going. It is important to move step by step. It is important to integrat...
Integration, breathing, space...ahhh...creation!
Do not judge yourselves for not being where your soul knows you are going. It is important to move step by step. It is important to integrate every piece of your journey. What satisfaction would you have in going from having an empty jigsaw puzzle to a full jigsaw puzzle? Who does that? Those who do that do not get a great deal of satisfaction. The joy of a jigsaw is the piecing together so that you create the whole picture. And there is satisfaction when the whole picture is complete, yes, but the piecing…..that is the discovery. That is where the energy lies and it is the same for your lives. ~~Zachary through Lee, from Personal Power
This was gifted to me on FB by Lee Harris- this after I awake and ask what wants to created today ( a tool that I have begun using again!) and feel and hear and see a healing- a reclaiming!
Over and over again I find it true that all I need to do is look around my outer life to see what is going on in my inner life- that is in those times where I for whatever reason do not have access to the inner without some effort.
So what is going on is I have completed a summer alone in a beautiful space- integrating (that word came up this morning too) all that I have experienced, learned, evolved to over the last few years. Not many connections with the outer world- a cat to play with- soul family to remain connected with! I found gigs that supported me in creating food and some play; I created a chiropractor with by body asking for support- but more than that- now that I am in the asking of what is next- I feel a strength of center that I have not felt before and an excitement more than a fear- I feels showing up with resources and gifts and stepping right into the flow- I feel what I desire.... and I can see that place- I have been there before and I return in a very different way- I return past a belief that I do not return to a place.
I sit here in this small coffeehouse and am just feeling all the integration- the reclaiming of parts returned; of parts seen and loved...; heart open- ready to reclaim more of me in a loving embrace!
Grateful to all who have been a part of this journey!
And in that I take the next step..... no judgment...trusting the enfolding....
Elizabeth Lynn
And excited about the next gift to me and through me- the Imagine Radio Show- first show is Wednesday- 9/5/12 8:00PM BlogTalk radio
This was gifted to me on FB by Lee Harris- this after I awake and ask what wants to created today ( a tool that I have begun using again!) and feel and hear and see a healing- a reclaiming!
Over and over again I find it true that all I need to do is look around my outer life to see what is going on in my inner life- that is in those times where I for whatever reason do not have access to the inner without some effort.
So what is going on is I have completed a summer alone in a beautiful space- integrating (that word came up this morning too) all that I have experienced, learned, evolved to over the last few years. Not many connections with the outer world- a cat to play with- soul family to remain connected with! I found gigs that supported me in creating food and some play; I created a chiropractor with by body asking for support- but more than that- now that I am in the asking of what is next- I feel a strength of center that I have not felt before and an excitement more than a fear- I feels showing up with resources and gifts and stepping right into the flow- I feel what I desire.... and I can see that place- I have been there before and I return in a very different way- I return past a belief that I do not return to a place.
I sit here in this small coffeehouse and am just feeling all the integration- the reclaiming of parts returned; of parts seen and loved...; heart open- ready to reclaim more of me in a loving embrace!
Grateful to all who have been a part of this journey!
And in that I take the next step..... no judgment...trusting the enfolding....
Elizabeth Lynn
And excited about the next gift to me and through me- the Imagine Radio Show- first show is Wednesday- 9/5/12 8:00PM BlogTalk radio
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Does it matter or doesn’t it??? 09/05 by Imagine1 | Blog Talk Radio
Does it matter or doesn’t it??? 09/05 by Imagine1 | Blog Talk Radio
Please join me in a new heart based venture.....
Elizabeth Lynn
Please join me in a new heart based venture.....
Elizabeth Lynn
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Flock of Freedom: Accepting All That Is and More.......
Flock of Freedom: Accepting All That Is and More.......: One of the reminders I received this week from Reverend Angela (one of the few Beings on the planet I am connected with who seems to resonat...
Accepting All That Is and More.......
One of the reminders I received this week from Reverend Angela (one of the few Beings on the planet I am connected with who seems to resonate with where, who, how I am feeling) was to create- that will increase my vibration. And that is really all I know to do in this moment...anything that raises my vibration.
Yesterday I experienced Koren Chiropractic services from Dr, Micah Dunn and I am experiencing more- more tingling in the body, colors and sounds and smells are more potent and my intuition seems to be more engaged. For this I am grateful- I am grateful for the last few days of quiet and alone in this beautiful space I am living and I am feeling gratitude for the return of the family who lives here- I can smile in feeling the love that has grown between us! I am grateful for Tessa the cat who plays with me and lays with me and then goes off and does her own thing! I am grateful for the landing of the Pink Tent here in Pennsylvania- a space of nurturing and love for women! I am grateful for the returning to an inspiration I received called the Flock of Freedom and the desire to have that support me fully! I am grateful for the part-time gigs I have created since I have been here that have sustained me and the desire to now thrive in all that I receive and do!
I am understanding part of my path is to experience uniquely things others do not choose to experience and I am able in this moment to honor and smile in gratitude for that instead of seeing it as a negative or a piece of that lifelong thread of it is not enough! And this feels huge- it is more than enough that I choose in this moment to take care of an elderly woman with Alzheimer's and history of strokes for three nights a week- to experience the anger and fear she directs outward- the absolute hatred of her condition and her body and her inability to let go- I ask myself each night, what would it be like to fully accept that this is me! And each night I feel more and more love for all of it- for her cussing at me, for her hitting me, for her spitting at me, for her smiling at me, for her kissing me.....
There is this dance that I am dancing and it is called- creation.... no I do not wish to have this experience over and over and yet I am so what do I glean from it- how do I embrace it? I am on the cusp of experiencing the fullness of it... I can feel it. I have resigned from the position, effective next Sunday- this past Monday night, she slept all the way through and I was able to see whenever she began to stir, how I was in a charge about how I didn't want her to wake up... seeing that, accepting that and then letting it go to get to it doesn't matter, remembering who I am. This strong, big vibration of love.... It doesn't matter how she shows up, I can show up how I choose... Looking at her, smelling her, being disgusted by her- I have been smelling me, looking at me, disgusted by me even while away from her. I am that I am! I am experiencing that!
And I see the power in my declining in the center of who I am the offer the daughter made yesterday to work extra hours for more money....and when I feel the time is right, I will call her and decline. Money is not what motivates me and it is not something I choose when everything else is out of alignment. So when I feel the full center of this...still feel some doubt and concern...I call!
As I write this, I am grateful for me- for my unique Divine spark and in this acceptance I experience more of what is possible..... I am grateful for this creation of mine and grateful to this woman for showing up so perfectly for me, for all of us!
Yesterday I experienced Koren Chiropractic services from Dr, Micah Dunn and I am experiencing more- more tingling in the body, colors and sounds and smells are more potent and my intuition seems to be more engaged. For this I am grateful- I am grateful for the last few days of quiet and alone in this beautiful space I am living and I am feeling gratitude for the return of the family who lives here- I can smile in feeling the love that has grown between us! I am grateful for Tessa the cat who plays with me and lays with me and then goes off and does her own thing! I am grateful for the landing of the Pink Tent here in Pennsylvania- a space of nurturing and love for women! I am grateful for the returning to an inspiration I received called the Flock of Freedom and the desire to have that support me fully! I am grateful for the part-time gigs I have created since I have been here that have sustained me and the desire to now thrive in all that I receive and do!
I am understanding part of my path is to experience uniquely things others do not choose to experience and I am able in this moment to honor and smile in gratitude for that instead of seeing it as a negative or a piece of that lifelong thread of it is not enough! And this feels huge- it is more than enough that I choose in this moment to take care of an elderly woman with Alzheimer's and history of strokes for three nights a week- to experience the anger and fear she directs outward- the absolute hatred of her condition and her body and her inability to let go- I ask myself each night, what would it be like to fully accept that this is me! And each night I feel more and more love for all of it- for her cussing at me, for her hitting me, for her spitting at me, for her smiling at me, for her kissing me.....
There is this dance that I am dancing and it is called- creation.... no I do not wish to have this experience over and over and yet I am so what do I glean from it- how do I embrace it? I am on the cusp of experiencing the fullness of it... I can feel it. I have resigned from the position, effective next Sunday- this past Monday night, she slept all the way through and I was able to see whenever she began to stir, how I was in a charge about how I didn't want her to wake up... seeing that, accepting that and then letting it go to get to it doesn't matter, remembering who I am. This strong, big vibration of love.... It doesn't matter how she shows up, I can show up how I choose... Looking at her, smelling her, being disgusted by her- I have been smelling me, looking at me, disgusted by me even while away from her. I am that I am! I am experiencing that!
And I see the power in my declining in the center of who I am the offer the daughter made yesterday to work extra hours for more money....and when I feel the time is right, I will call her and decline. Money is not what motivates me and it is not something I choose when everything else is out of alignment. So when I feel the full center of this...still feel some doubt and concern...I call!
As I write this, I am grateful for me- for my unique Divine spark and in this acceptance I experience more of what is possible..... I am grateful for this creation of mine and grateful to this woman for showing up so perfectly for me, for all of us!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Flock of Freedom: DREAM IN............
Flock of Freedom: DREAM IN............: It occurs to me this morning as I awaken that it truly is time to dream- time to dream the life that works for me, takes care of me...
DREAM IN............
It occurs to me this morning as I awaken that it truly is time to dream- time to dream the life that works for me, takes care of me, supports me richly and with all of this supports and adds to anyone else's life that chooses!
The last few weeks, I guess since July 20 and I am not really sure because time is something I find challenging to track- these last few weeks, I have felt like I have been on auto-pilot; like I was using all my energy to just get up and do what was needed each day. I didn't feel the connection that I have come to know with something bigger than than my human existence, my everyday worries and concerns- and through all of that I smile as I know what I did have was trust, faith- and more often than not acted in that. I have felt alone and at times sorry for myself; and there have been moments of creation but most of that felt like it was around having food on the table and gas in the car. And yet I kept going, kept acting, kept being still, kept listening. Knowing I was showing up wherever I went or not as the creator Being I am. And in this moment, also knowing that this feeling is evolving like everything else...if I keep counting on the feeling of yesterday, I miss today!
The last few days I have been experiencing a lifting and a relief- this morning I got the message to dream.. and as I walked this morning I got the message to write some things down- that grounds it for me and I also know that this may touch someone who will be inspired as well!
The past few years have been about moving about- going to different places and living with others- I see it is part of the grand plan- as I lived with others, each of us got to experience a part of ourselves to embrace and love- and sometimes that was not easy or comfortable. And not everyone chose that experience!
I look back and feel the uncertainty, the unease, the fear that I did this all in- no money, no car, sometimes not knowing anyone. And yet through it all, I experienced some of the most amazing and potent life events. I experienced love- the giving and receiving. I experienced loving myself.
I have been alone for the last few months and I see that I created that perfectly as well- it has given me time to go even deeper - to prepare for what is next- to let go and clear out more than ever. I am in such deep humble appreciation for myself!
And I begin to dream what is next- I do have something to share with the world and I allow that to reveal itself and allow that to support me; I do desire to continue to travel and enjoy other places, people and I allow that to be with a car and a companion (4 legged) and with plenty of cash that I can just Be; I do desire to land in a comfortable, space that supports me (with a bed- I love beds!); I allow the magic of this life to continue to reveal itself and I allow more dreaming in!
I choose this all in this new space of strength and power that I am feeling- ooolalalalala- can see the map of the US and the route across the west till I reach California in December! Where the gathering of Beloveds I will experience!
I am inviting you into your own dreams today this new moon day and let's see what gets created- peace, love, sharing, generosity, freedom!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Flock of Freedom: An important message from the snake
Flock of Freedom: An important message from the snake: I do get that we are all one- so whatever learning I receive, I share- that is what I am here for- for what do I place myself on the altar t...
An important message from the snake
I do get that we are all one- so whatever learning I receive, I share- that is what I am here for- for what do I place myself on the altar to be altered.... the I am that I am experience!
So here is today's message and I hope that it strikes a cord for you!
So here is today's message and I hope that it strikes a cord for you!
I awaken after sleeping a few hours coming home from my last
night shift with Dottie (the elder I am caring for)- pleasantly and
deliberately I chose a peace filled night….
All night I kept getting disoriented, not remembering where
I was or why…
I awaken ready and rested and hear along with some errands
today is a day of dreaming- I decide to go out on the deck missing my outdoors
time in the last week due to hot weather and new adventures in the realm of
work so I wander out with coffee and sit down and begin to read Rev. Angela’s
post for the day- it is about dreaming!
I notice Tessa the cat is very intrigued with something over
by the garden and go over to find an amazing snake caught in the wire web that
I put around the plants for food- the snake had struggled so much that she was
entwined and caught in the wire- I went in to get scissors so that I could try
to cut her out and when I began she struggled some more- at some point she
relaxed and allowed me and then when I saw the fruitlessness of the attempts
she rolled up and gave me a message to stop- and she rolled up in a heart! As I write this I can feel a
multi-dimensional message coming in and I don’t even know what that is- I am
Brought the books out to look up snake but I know I had
always looked at snake as the message of transformation- getting caught up in
the web and cutting myself off????
I relax into just being outdoors- listening to the birds
announcing that Tessa is out and about- so loud –she gets it and walks away; seeing
the butterflies fluttering around the lilac tree and seeing where I cut some
flowers off- there is new growth- as I write this I can once again feel a
multi-dimensional message coming in. The
letting go, the cropping away in order for the new to have room for growth.
Oh by the way, I just looked up the snake on line and it is
a corn snake- also looked up the significance of corn snake- a lifting up- an
easier movement…. Then I went to look at her again and guess what she was gone-
a lifting up even when I seem to be all tied up!!!!
I am feeling uplifted by the message my soul has given me
this day!!!
Rev Angela suggests:
The days ahead this week
explore how you can use your gifts to serve the benevolent shift that
is occurring, what talents or skills can you further develop, what knowing
can you share, what teachings are you seeking? You must give as
you receive, and you must receive to give. Honor the flow and begin to get
more curious about where we are going and what we are accomplishing as a
collective consciousness. What reality can you envision for us? Is it one
in which we have established wondrous Good and all the peoples of the
Earth are healed, nurtured and transformed? Or is it one in which we resist
change and cling to what we have known and refuse to give up? Are we diminished
or enhanced?
Relax in the abundance of your own
Light nature and open to what wants to be unwound next. Wake up and go to sleep
in the Divine Movement that is presently caressing us. I tell my students all
the time, "the only thing you can lose is a perception." so do not be
bound by the constraints of what you see as a challenge. Your vibrational rates
can now blow through the density of beliefs that hold you in bondage. Let these
new tones of identity sustain you as you move forward. Engaging these new
circuits of creatorship is easy. There is nothing new to learn. Nothing new to
do. Simply focus your attention on what you want (form follows focus) and it
shall be. Yes, that's all there is to it.
And so I go into the rest of the
day with this most potent message- allowing time to dream in what is next…feels
like the next message, heh? And I get a
strong message about the snake for me- no matter what life looks like, no
matter what I have bound myself up in- there is a lifting up, an easier
movement as I (we) blow through the bondage of our beliefs!
Friday, August 3, 2012
Flock of Freedom: Something's burning
Flock of Freedom: Something's burning: Wow- a potent few days; as I awoke and prepared some coffee and sat down to read the daily prayer from Rev Angela, I begin to feel the famil...
Flock of Freedom: Something's burning
Flock of Freedom: Something's burning: Wow- a potent few days; as I awoke and prepared some coffee and sat down to read the daily prayer from Rev Angela, I begin to feel the famil...
Flock of Freedom: Something's burning
Flock of Freedom: Something's burning: Wow- a potent few days; as I awoke and prepared some coffee and sat down to read the daily prayer from Rev Angela, I begin to feel the famil...
Something's burning
Wow- a potent few days; as I awoke and prepared some coffee and sat down to read the daily prayer from Rev Angela, I begin to feel the familiar thing my body does when something is up- all over heating up and the same time, I am aware that everything and I mean everything is flowing perfectly- the feeling of Being love while I am transcribing and filing at the temporary law office gig that I am at this week and that is all that is needed- I don't need to use my magical powers to save anyone- I just need to Be and I am and enjoying performing new tasks and having new experiences; the feeling each night while I try to sleep of an enlarging going on- on the night of the full moon, actually feeling I am God for more than 1 minute; the letting go and seeing of attachment immediately and then seeing something else coming in; the flow of cash coming in and the choosing of an easier life around that; and the reading of this piece of the prayer that speaks to me in a way I feel I will carry all day:
I was not created to suffer, to learn lessons, to improve myself, or to somehow 'get better'. I was created by the Universe to create a life that contains...whatever I choose. Because the laws of the Universe operate upon what I truly believe, if I believe that I must suffer to experience a life of spiritual connection, I receive suffering in abundance. If I believe that I'm here to learn something I didn't pick up the first time around, life brings me many learning opportunities until I learn by choice or by force. In precisely the same manner, if I believe that I am here to give and receive love without limit, abundance without end, and joy without boundaries, that is what I receive.
I pay close attention to the subtleties of my mind and my heart. I notice when I'm believingin less than a perfect universe operating perfectly. I see clearly each instance in which I actupon the belief that Life is finite, lacking intelligence, or capricious...AND CHANGE MYMIND. I do this by using my innate and inherent spiritual power to guide my beliefs to theTruth. Anything in me that is out of alignment with the greater expression of Truth for me isnow obliterated by means of this treatment. I'm no longer willing to live life halfway. I trustin the infinite promise of Spirit, that I may have life and have it more abundantly. I trust in the impersonal laws of Spirit, knowing that they work for me as well as anyone, and that they
I pay close attention to the subtleties of my mind and my heart. I notice when I'm believingin less than a perfect universe operating perfectly. I see clearly each instance in which I actupon the belief that Life is finite, lacking intelligence, or capricious...AND CHANGE MYMIND. I do this by using my innate and inherent spiritual power to guide my beliefs to theTruth. Anything in me that is out of alignment with the greater expression of Truth for me isnow obliterated by means of this treatment. I'm no longer willing to live life halfway. I trustin the infinite promise of Spirit, that I may have life and have it more abundantly. I trust in the impersonal laws of Spirit, knowing that they work for me as well as anyone, and that they
work perfectly, every time. I place my faith in the creator of all Life, which obviously includes me, knowing that this creator loves me without limit, and is always guiding me to my greater experience. I live this day knowing that I'm here to love, to give, and to celebrate!And I do. And so it is.
The letting go of the story that I am here to learn lessons, to get better, to improve myself- and re-choosing of I am here to give and receive love without limit; abundance without end, and joy without boundaries!
Friday, July 13, 2012
Flock of Freedom: The Subtle Times
Flock of Freedom: The Subtle Times: Greetings from the deck in Pennsylvania! Watching the blue jays and chipmunks play around the water fountain; allowing my whole Being to da...
The Subtle Times
Greetings from the deck in Pennsylvania!
Watching the blue jays and chipmunks play around the water fountain; allowing my whole Being to dance with Snatum Kaur in the background- feeling an inner push back and pull down- all from asking the question what wants to get experienced this day- creation and connection!
And isn't it interesting that the mind immediately went to oh I can create this and connect with this person...all on the outer!
That is the subtlety that I am experiencing here- by myself- with no work- no social life- not really much happening in the outer- which is a very odd experience for this manifestor! This is the experience as I weeded yesterday- having to go in between tiny little flowers and weeds- slowing it down- getting very clear- doing my part!
When I first landed here, what came to me was to commit fully to Me- and asking what that might mean or look like- I kept receiving the knowing that no matter what the outer looked like (what I was doing for work, money in the bank account, relationships)- that I could source my own joy, richness, love, peace- and I source it all- the lack, the disconnection, the uncomfortableness!
And you know I have heard these words for years----the words can be placeholders- people who are actually experiencing this say them with a vibration that holds the space for anyone who chooses to come and experience the feel- for even a brief moment- that gives us a chance to remember! Or they can be said from the mind- it is subtle and I am now experiencing the difference within- each day. And when I read something on FB...I see us all!
So I am committed to Me- to experience the fullness of Me- walking, crawling, dancing, smiling, crying, trusting into I Source everything! It so reminds me of the last journey I experienced in group- everyone in the group went away even the shaman (male)- except the medicine and the other shaman (female) and as people started going away the medicine kept asking me is this ok- I kept saying yes until it got to it and the woman and I said no and that is ok- I am good with this! So for now I listen to Snatum, sipping coffee, and watching nature! And finally remembering that creation happens in the space- in the in between!
And breathe everyone- for what do I place myself on the altar to be altered- we/us/you/me!
I love YOu! I love Me!
Watching the blue jays and chipmunks play around the water fountain; allowing my whole Being to dance with Snatum Kaur in the background- feeling an inner push back and pull down- all from asking the question what wants to get experienced this day- creation and connection!
And isn't it interesting that the mind immediately went to oh I can create this and connect with this person...all on the outer!
That is the subtlety that I am experiencing here- by myself- with no work- no social life- not really much happening in the outer- which is a very odd experience for this manifestor! This is the experience as I weeded yesterday- having to go in between tiny little flowers and weeds- slowing it down- getting very clear- doing my part!
When I first landed here, what came to me was to commit fully to Me- and asking what that might mean or look like- I kept receiving the knowing that no matter what the outer looked like (what I was doing for work, money in the bank account, relationships)- that I could source my own joy, richness, love, peace- and I source it all- the lack, the disconnection, the uncomfortableness!
And you know I have heard these words for years----the words can be placeholders- people who are actually experiencing this say them with a vibration that holds the space for anyone who chooses to come and experience the feel- for even a brief moment- that gives us a chance to remember! Or they can be said from the mind- it is subtle and I am now experiencing the difference within- each day. And when I read something on FB...I see us all!
So I am committed to Me- to experience the fullness of Me- walking, crawling, dancing, smiling, crying, trusting into I Source everything! It so reminds me of the last journey I experienced in group- everyone in the group went away even the shaman (male)- except the medicine and the other shaman (female) and as people started going away the medicine kept asking me is this ok- I kept saying yes until it got to it and the woman and I said no and that is ok- I am good with this! So for now I listen to Snatum, sipping coffee, and watching nature! And finally remembering that creation happens in the space- in the in between!
And breathe everyone- for what do I place myself on the altar to be altered- we/us/you/me!
I love YOu! I love Me!
Monday, June 18, 2012
Flock of Freedom: I don't know nothing about birthing no baby.....
Flock of Freedom: I don't know nothing about birthing no baby.....: Whew, what a few days it is...still is as of today, Monday June 19th when I woke up at 9:00 remembering a dream- to be shared later- and the...
I don't know nothing about birthing no baby.....
Whew, what a few days it is...still is as of today, Monday June 19th when I woke up at 9:00 remembering a dream- to be shared later- and then promptly rolled back to sleep until 12:00 noon- then getting up and feeling like I had been drugged, drank a whole bottle of wine..... coffee, please!
It all began on a bike ride this last Thursday- I felt a tiredness, a pain and pulled over- I have learned to ask my body what it is up and I heard we are not working well together- there is an out of balance ( the masculine and feminine). I breathed through the discomfort and asked what shall I do and heard just go I got on my bike and went on..knowing that there was more to that message than the simple get back on the bike.
I have a business coach, Alaya Gold- and she is no ordinary business coach as this coaching business I am creating is no ordinary business (baby).... she channels guides, reads Akashic records..... is there to support me in stepping through myself (baby). We had a session on Friday and I never know what is going to come up- I chose to ask the guides what was needed next for me to step out and I heard a strong message to be fearless- to fly- that falling is no longer a part of who I am- I have to expect to fly and I have to trust the Great Mother to provide; thank you as it always helps me to write this down....
As I began to feel this, I found a tightness, tension in my vaginal area (vulva)- and the words came out of me- I have never given birth before and it feels like I don't want the baby to come out! I could feel my little girl that I have already done such work with in bringing her back safely, afraid...memory of my sexual abuse came up again as well as something deeper- something that goes back a long time- primal.... I took some time away from the call and went and screamed into a pillow, lay on the ground, cried and cried.... I have never birthed something all of my own- I have always supported another in the birthing- and that goes with having children too- always caring for others' children. As we continued on I got to speak to both the masculine and feminine and share what I was grateful for...that lightened things up tremendously and seemed to bring a balance and harmony back. It is clear that I am being birthed anew and it is showing up in the physical manifestation of the business- and that nothing will get birthed in a new way unless my masculine and feminine are playing well together.
So I was left with a suggestion by Alaya to plant and garden this weekend and get close to the earth with my vaginal area- to remember the enjoyment of touch and physical intimacy and to release the tension and tightness.
And so I felt all the feelings and memories that came up- and it was interesting because it wasn't felt in a devastating take me to bed for days way, like I used to feel things- it was a true feeling and without story- like I felt it and it was gone. I planted peppers and Italian parsley- I began and tended my own fire (which I have never done from start to finish)- I spent time in the hot tub- I spent time laying on the ground- I slowed down even more than ever- I remembered to feel the heartbeat of the Great Mother- I heard the cries of the children and said no- no longer saving anyone- and for once in my life over an extended period of time, I felt like I wasn't alone anymore- I could really feel the presence of my guides! I could feel the masculine and feminine playing together well.
This morning's dream was of me creating a program for children outdoors- there were cats all over the place and it was going well- until the alligators decided to let themselves out of their cage- and they frightened everyone and ate a cat! The alligators told me to take time to digest what I am learning and are messages from the ancestors and the cat told me to enjoy intimacy and physical touch- listen to my intuitive guidance and that whatever has been released will be replaced with something more suitable for who I am now!
I am sitting in such gratitude for it all- I love the stories that tell me what is up and trust that I do know what to do, how to be! Today's practice is before I do anything to check in with my masculine and feminine and see how it feels- to breath a lot- because even though I have never birthed a baby- she is coming and I am creating a world in which she is desired and loved and held and nurtured and taken care of!
As I sit here and read this, I feel the pulsing of life in all parts of my Being- especially in my vaginal area- the Baby is crowning.... And as I read it again I acknowledge my gift of being a midwife...
It all began on a bike ride this last Thursday- I felt a tiredness, a pain and pulled over- I have learned to ask my body what it is up and I heard we are not working well together- there is an out of balance ( the masculine and feminine). I breathed through the discomfort and asked what shall I do and heard just go I got on my bike and went on..knowing that there was more to that message than the simple get back on the bike.
I have a business coach, Alaya Gold- and she is no ordinary business coach as this coaching business I am creating is no ordinary business (baby).... she channels guides, reads Akashic records..... is there to support me in stepping through myself (baby). We had a session on Friday and I never know what is going to come up- I chose to ask the guides what was needed next for me to step out and I heard a strong message to be fearless- to fly- that falling is no longer a part of who I am- I have to expect to fly and I have to trust the Great Mother to provide; thank you as it always helps me to write this down....
As I began to feel this, I found a tightness, tension in my vaginal area (vulva)- and the words came out of me- I have never given birth before and it feels like I don't want the baby to come out! I could feel my little girl that I have already done such work with in bringing her back safely, afraid...memory of my sexual abuse came up again as well as something deeper- something that goes back a long time- primal.... I took some time away from the call and went and screamed into a pillow, lay on the ground, cried and cried.... I have never birthed something all of my own- I have always supported another in the birthing- and that goes with having children too- always caring for others' children. As we continued on I got to speak to both the masculine and feminine and share what I was grateful for...that lightened things up tremendously and seemed to bring a balance and harmony back. It is clear that I am being birthed anew and it is showing up in the physical manifestation of the business- and that nothing will get birthed in a new way unless my masculine and feminine are playing well together.
So I was left with a suggestion by Alaya to plant and garden this weekend and get close to the earth with my vaginal area- to remember the enjoyment of touch and physical intimacy and to release the tension and tightness.
And so I felt all the feelings and memories that came up- and it was interesting because it wasn't felt in a devastating take me to bed for days way, like I used to feel things- it was a true feeling and without story- like I felt it and it was gone. I planted peppers and Italian parsley- I began and tended my own fire (which I have never done from start to finish)- I spent time in the hot tub- I spent time laying on the ground- I slowed down even more than ever- I remembered to feel the heartbeat of the Great Mother- I heard the cries of the children and said no- no longer saving anyone- and for once in my life over an extended period of time, I felt like I wasn't alone anymore- I could really feel the presence of my guides! I could feel the masculine and feminine playing together well.
This morning's dream was of me creating a program for children outdoors- there were cats all over the place and it was going well- until the alligators decided to let themselves out of their cage- and they frightened everyone and ate a cat! The alligators told me to take time to digest what I am learning and are messages from the ancestors and the cat told me to enjoy intimacy and physical touch- listen to my intuitive guidance and that whatever has been released will be replaced with something more suitable for who I am now!
I am sitting in such gratitude for it all- I love the stories that tell me what is up and trust that I do know what to do, how to be! Today's practice is before I do anything to check in with my masculine and feminine and see how it feels- to breath a lot- because even though I have never birthed a baby- she is coming and I am creating a world in which she is desired and loved and held and nurtured and taken care of!
As I sit here and read this, I feel the pulsing of life in all parts of my Being- especially in my vaginal area- the Baby is crowning.... And as I read it again I acknowledge my gift of being a midwife...
Friday, June 8, 2012
Flock of Freedom: Life Review Gift- I am an Empath
Flock of Freedom: Life Review Gift- I am an Empath: I was gifted with this video from another blogger I follow- Whitehawk! It is a bit lengthy and yet packed with gifts. As I watched th...
Life Review Gift- I am an Empath
Watching this video, I breathe in a passionate desire that has always been present for me to make life more sacred, beautiful, safe and peaceful. Watching this video, I claim my gift at feeling emotions and allowing them to guide me; watching this video I begin to see the gift being abused as a child was- it opened me up and I had always seen it as a closing down!
As I watch this I remember living with the beautiful ones in Mexico (Nancy, Olivier and Susan) and feeling an emotion and practicing the bringing up in an offer of openness and community- I am feeling this- allowing me to own what is mine and also allowing others to own what is theirs.
It was a sweet moment- one I wonder if we can all allow to happen again and again and again until we have a new world. And I wonder what that world would look like?
I Love all of our courage!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Flock of Freedom: Life Review
Flock of Freedom: Life Review: Life Review seems to be the theme these past two days as I came across the newest article by Lisa Renee; ...
Life Review
Life Review seems to be the theme these past two days as I came across the newest article by Lisa Renee; and a friend came with an offer yesterday - the offer was to consider that my story is not one she hears me speak of- the story of all that I have walked through- that this is the story that allows others to feel comfortable and safe during their own shifts in my presence- part of what I am now offering to the world as Freedom Coach.
I considered what my friend said and recognized that I discount the story- want to be done with the story and got curious as to what that means. I see the resistance in the wanting to be done and I know resistance doesn't work well in my life. So I get curious about my story, knowing that with the curiosity I open the door to wisdom.
The previous day I had a coaching call with Alaya Gold where we were co-creating an offer here in Pennsylvania, my new home; Alaya has discovered her ideal client is someone who desires to know their life purpose and also wishes to create new relationship- soul connection with another. I initially began working with her around life purpose and creating an offer to the world Interestingly enough, I have opened myself up to a soulful love connection again after so many years of not wanting, of resisting- the last significant relationship experienced in 2004-5. The event I came up with is tied to the desire for relationship somehow and what I heard Alaya say is if I choose to create the event around relationship- all that is out of alignment will be seen and shown to let go of and forgive! I always lean into what is up- that is my work- to take on my own issues, so that I can walk them out authentically and honestly with all! And then I can show up for the other!
So last night, feeling tired, I lay down around 10:00 PM to watch some reruns of Grey's Anatomy- the episodes was the one where Meredith put herself out there and told Derek she wanted to be with him- it was at a time when his estranged wife had come back in the picture; well something happened with me in an instant during this scene- where I experienced the fullness of that last relationship in 2004-5- the offer of myself and the choosing of another- the purity of that offer as all that I am-the seeing of who we both were at the time. I had no idea that there was still something present- believing that I had walked through it all!
....and as I write this, I smile deeply and allow all the gratitude for this relationship - all that it brought to me- all the learning- all the loving of myself- the seeing of my courage- of who I am.... it is quite a story! It is a story of love of another that mirrors the total acceptance of love of self!
All this in an instant and in the next instant, I could not remember who I was- where I was- what I was doing!
As I write this, I soften towards the story and see what gifts the story can bring and have an awareness that there is now a new story to be told!
I love Us!
I considered what my friend said and recognized that I discount the story- want to be done with the story and got curious as to what that means. I see the resistance in the wanting to be done and I know resistance doesn't work well in my life. So I get curious about my story, knowing that with the curiosity I open the door to wisdom.
The previous day I had a coaching call with Alaya Gold where we were co-creating an offer here in Pennsylvania, my new home; Alaya has discovered her ideal client is someone who desires to know their life purpose and also wishes to create new relationship- soul connection with another. I initially began working with her around life purpose and creating an offer to the world Interestingly enough, I have opened myself up to a soulful love connection again after so many years of not wanting, of resisting- the last significant relationship experienced in 2004-5. The event I came up with is tied to the desire for relationship somehow and what I heard Alaya say is if I choose to create the event around relationship- all that is out of alignment will be seen and shown to let go of and forgive! I always lean into what is up- that is my work- to take on my own issues, so that I can walk them out authentically and honestly with all! And then I can show up for the other!
So last night, feeling tired, I lay down around 10:00 PM to watch some reruns of Grey's Anatomy- the episodes was the one where Meredith put herself out there and told Derek she wanted to be with him- it was at a time when his estranged wife had come back in the picture; well something happened with me in an instant during this scene- where I experienced the fullness of that last relationship in 2004-5- the offer of myself and the choosing of another- the purity of that offer as all that I am-the seeing of who we both were at the time. I had no idea that there was still something present- believing that I had walked through it all!
....and as I write this, I smile deeply and allow all the gratitude for this relationship - all that it brought to me- all the learning- all the loving of myself- the seeing of my courage- of who I am.... it is quite a story! It is a story of love of another that mirrors the total acceptance of love of self!
All this in an instant and in the next instant, I could not remember who I was- where I was- what I was doing!
As I write this, I soften towards the story and see what gifts the story can bring and have an awareness that there is now a new story to be told!
I love Us!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Flock of Freedom: The New World
Flock of Freedom: The New World: Wow--- I left Cincinnati on Sunday morning at 3:27a.m- leaving in love, leaving without ripples-just leaving- no running from or...
The New World
Wow--- I left Cincinnati on Sunday morning at 3:27a.m- leaving in love, leaving without ripples-just leaving- no running from or to- feeling strongly this is the next step.
Honoring the message to take a train- the adventure of that- I step onto the train with 2 suitcases, my purse and computer carrier- leaving a big suitcase behind at my dear friend's with clothes- not worrying about getting them back or needing them- just taking the next step. On my own- no help-how empowering!
I packed a lunch for myself knowing I would not enjoy the food provided on the train- apples, turkey sandwich, almonds, chocolate. Taking care of myself. How empowering!
As I sat on the train and got used to the vibration- at times I felt I was being held and rocked to sleep; at times I felt I was being shaken; waking up to surprises of seeing a large, powerful hawk sitting on a pole as we went by- witnessing a group of white goats gathered around a burned out area- a butterfly garden-the green mountains and rushing waters of West Virginian- the lush rolling, green farms of Virginia-the excitement and energy of Washington D.C- the sweetness and quaintness of the small towns around Washington D.C.-the emptiness and decay of Baltimore- the high vibe of Philadelphia. Thrilled and excited at it all- knowing where I was without asking, just knowing- how empowering!
I have been experiencing a pain in my left side for a few weeks- not constant- but present at times- I felt it on the train and felt the stuckness of something...breathing into the shaken energy and allowing the energy to get unstuck- the pain is gone! How empowering! Healing mySelf!
The people I met, I met totally in the present with no needs, just the adventure of a connection. I first sat next to a young man who was traveling to Kentucky to be with his child- leaving a high paying job behind with no promise of the future; then I sat next to a young man from Washington D.C who was returning from college for summer break- we spoke about seeing things through the eyes of children; as we pulled into D.C., I shared some of my knowledge of the Masons and the creation of the city- feeling him begin to see the sights he took for granted with new eyes; across the way from me from Cincinnati was a woman who showed kindness to me and I to her the whole trip- as we pulled out of one station, she came back from the bathroom having changed clothes- she was super- nun! We joked about it and she shared that she lives with an elderly nun who doesn't like it when the women go out in public without their habits- and she wanted to be comfortable for the more than 10 hour train ride! And then next to her was a young man who was helpful and friendly on the trip and on the last hour got involved with a conversation with his lady friend he was going to see- witnessing anger and hatred and victimhood; loving that part of me and then playing some of the music I brought with me and chanting! I felt no need to shift, change or desire anything else but the connections I had with these people and loving the mirror they are- I am enjoying this new way of Being! How empowering!
I enjoyed watching my nervousness come up as we pulled into the train station in Philadelphia- not knowing what this part of the trip would bring. A new experience and not sure of the outcome- asking for directions and help and getting less than satisfactory answers- choosing to sit down and breath and realizing yes I would have to spend the night in the station- watching the thoughts and stories come up and leave. I felt uncomfortable and I felt some excitement about the adventure. I witnessed the Amtrak people with no desire to help or change what I was seeing- the young man who just talked and gave the wrong information; the man who tried to tell the woman who didn't speak any English to purchase a ticket- she actually came to me for help and I helped her by being firm with their need to help her; the way another young woman who had asked for help and was told the wrong thing came to realize this and shared her anger loudly. I chose to keep asking the questions over and over and explore myself so that I was able to smoothly leave the station at 5:25 Monday morning! How empowering!
I attempted to sleep in the bright, loud station and actually found myself in a full journey- hearing the noise and seeing the lights multidimensionally- smiling and laughing. I was roused by the police at one point and asked if I had a ticket- not wanting "homeless" people to hang out in the station- hahahahaha- joke is on them! I am homeless. And I enjoyed seeing the people there who slipped under the radar, who were homeless- sending them waves of love and encouragement! I propped myself up at one point, watching old episodes of Grey's Anatomy on the computer for enjoyment- how empowering! I felt the significance of this journey for all of us- ti wash;t just about me....
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