Monday, June 18, 2012

I don't know nothing about birthing no baby.....

Whew, what a few days it is...still is as of today, Monday June 19th when I woke up at 9:00 remembering a dream- to be shared later- and then promptly rolled back to sleep until 12:00 noon- then getting up and feeling like I had been drugged, drank a whole bottle of wine..... coffee, please!

It all began on a bike ride this last Thursday- I felt a tiredness, a pain and pulled over- I have learned to ask my body what it is up and I heard we are not working well together- there is an out of balance ( the masculine and feminine).  I breathed through the discomfort and asked what shall I do and heard just go I got on my bike and went on..knowing that there was more to that message than the simple get back on the bike.

I have a business coach, Alaya Gold- and she is no ordinary business coach as this coaching business I am creating is no ordinary business (baby)....  she channels guides, reads Akashic records..... is there to support me in stepping through myself (baby).  We had a session on Friday and I never know what is going to come up- I chose to ask the guides what was needed next for me to step out and I heard a strong message to be fearless- to fly- that falling is no longer a part of who I am- I have to expect to fly and I have to trust the Great Mother to provide; thank you as it always helps me to write this down....
As I began to feel this, I found a tightness, tension in my vaginal area (vulva)- and the words came out of me- I have never given birth before and it feels like I don't want the baby to come out!  I could feel my little girl that I have already done such work with in bringing her back safely, afraid...memory of my sexual abuse came up again as well as something deeper- something that goes back a long time- primal....  I took some time away from the call and went and screamed into a pillow, lay on the ground, cried and cried....  I have never birthed something all of my own- I have always supported another in the birthing- and that goes with having children too- always caring for others' children.  As we continued on I got to speak to both the masculine and feminine and share what I was grateful for...that lightened things up tremendously and seemed to bring a balance and harmony back.  It is clear that I am being birthed anew and it is showing up in the physical manifestation of the business- and that nothing will get birthed in a new way unless my masculine and feminine are playing well together.
So I was left with a suggestion by Alaya to plant and garden this weekend and get close to the earth with my vaginal area- to remember the enjoyment of touch and physical intimacy and to release the tension and tightness.

And so I felt all the feelings and memories that came up- and it was interesting because it wasn't felt in a devastating take me to bed for days way, like I used to feel things- it was a true feeling and without story- like I felt it and it was gone.  I planted peppers and Italian parsley- I began and tended my own fire (which I have never done from start to finish)- I spent time in the hot tub- I spent time laying on the ground- I slowed down even more than ever- I remembered to feel the heartbeat of the Great Mother- I heard the cries of the children and said no- no longer saving anyone- and for once in my life over an extended period of time, I felt like I wasn't alone anymore- I could really feel the presence of my guides!  I could feel the masculine and feminine playing together well.

This morning's dream was of me creating a program for children outdoors- there were cats all over the place and it was going well- until the alligators decided to let themselves out of their cage- and they frightened everyone and ate a cat!  The alligators told me to take time to digest what I am learning and are messages from the ancestors and the cat told me to enjoy intimacy and physical touch- listen to my intuitive guidance and that whatever has been released will be replaced with something more suitable for who I am now!

I am sitting in such gratitude for it all- I love the stories that tell me what is up and trust that I do know what to do, how to be!  Today's practice is before I do anything to check in with my masculine and feminine and see how it feels- to breath a lot- because even though I have never birthed a baby- she is coming and I am creating a world in which she is desired and loved and held and nurtured and taken care of!
As I sit here and read this, I feel the pulsing of life in all parts of my Being- especially in my vaginal area- the Baby is crowning....  And as I read it again I acknowledge my gift of being a midwife...


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