Friday, July 15, 2011


I sit here in Boulder, Colorado listening to Shiva music, the wind caressing my whole Being, two dogs laying at my feet, the sky is a bright,bright blue.  I spent a few minutes getting quiet and feeling the tingling, vibration that is me most of the time- tapping into the mountains and their love for me- as I type this I feel them!  We are all so happy to Be.
I have been here a week- staying with my dear brother, Jason who is opening his heart and home to me!  His generosity is huge and I am in deep appreciation.
I am experiencing life so differently than I have for awhile, maybe ever!  Each person I meet whether it is social or during a job interview, speaks my language; everyone is accepting of who I am; and many are truly alive!!!  My first evening here we went to a concert of WAH at the Double Rainbow Ranch and while we were all chanting- a double rainbow got created!  We danced outside in the wet grass with the children and horses- I glanced up a few times and found the eyes of recognition- you know that slight smile and nod of the head that says I see you and love you!
I have decided I want to be out with as many people as possible- no more living in my cave, no more living away from others, no more living separately.  I feel multiple streams of income including a part-time gig with a steady flow.  This is my first week here and I have had three interviews with a few scheduled for next week- each interview I get clearer for myself and I get to meet and connect with amazing people!  There is no judgment - there is true acceptance and seeing the greater good- with complete trust that whatever is created will be perfect!
I get to go on walks everyday- I get to ride around town or walk through town and see the mountains the whole time- I get to be outside most of the day and night- I get to sleep comfortably with the cool air coming in the windows- I get to dance- I get to sing- I get to experience a gong shower this evening!
I am reconnecting and connecting to people who have done deep work with a teacher I have studied with in the past- this week I have met three "family" and am looking forward to a connection with another "family" via Skype today- and Jason is "family" as well.
There is something significant happening in my life and I am so willing to dive into the flow of it!  And as I do this I am so willing to share this Being that is created in the moment with anyone who is open to receive!
So much love to me and to all!  Looking forward to the magic that gets created!

And I am creating the new- check out the new website being created in the moment- I got the book project accepted by Kickstarter so within the next week or so we will have more on this.....