Thursday, September 27, 2012

Celebrating Unity Consciousness- A Twin Flame Perspective 09/26 by Imagine1 | Blog Talk Radio

Celebrating Unity Consciousness- A Twin Flame Perspective 09/26 by Imagine1 | Blog Talk Radio

Here is the link for last night's radio show- clear and helpful conversation about Twin Flames and Unity Consciousness- tune in next week for the dreaming in of the new during the "Shift of Ages."  Happening now in a body near you....


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Flock of Freedom: Inspiration

Flock of Freedom: Inspiration: Hello there, This bright, chill in the air Saturday morning- I sit in a chair, wrapped in a blanket and am in deep appreciation for all of ...


Hello there,
This bright, chill in the air Saturday morning- I sit in a chair, wrapped in a blanket and am in deep appreciation for all of us- I am inspired by my own life and the lives of those around me.

There is something undeniable happening in this world and movement and change are the song of each day- and yet here we are for the most part, awakening in gratitude for each day.

Today is the new moon and it is a time that energetically supports desires, intentions, goals- on this day I send forth the Flock of Freedom newsletter- an offer from my heart to yours.  Inspiring stories, sharing from everyday heroes- delight in them, allow them to inspire you.  Today on this full moon, I offer this and allow the next piece of who I am in service to the One to come forth!

Flock of Freedom Issue 1 September 2012
Celebrate the Anthology
Stories of everyday heroes like you and me!
Some of you know that this summer, we were
accepted as a Kickstarter project! That in itself is
amazing and heart-opening! Special thanks to
all who opened their hearts and their
checkbooks! And sad to say we did not meet
our funding goal- purpose was to support the
publishing of the book!
In Kickstarter world that means everyone who
pledged money did not have to pay- and in my world
that just means I create a different way of sharing the
stories of the many amazing people I meet.
This is to inspire us all into the next level of greatness
that we all are!
Update on Flock of Freedom Project
First, September 2012
This newsletter highlights stories, poems, and
other offers about everyday heroes like you and
me creating the new world in each breath, in each
step that we take!
Flock of Freedom is on the move- returning to
Cincinnati, Ohio for a brief time and then off to
Please join us every Wednesday night 8:00 PM
EST on the radio with our dear friend, brother and
co-creator Jason Knoll:
For information about other services and offers,
please contact Elizabeth Lynn Rohr at or 513-429-4452.
Individual sessions, small groups created to allow
forth the sovereign Being you are- specifically
designed to accept the freedom you have already
You pick an issue, an area of life that you desire
more freedom in and we will co-create what
works for both of us!
Be the change you wish to see in the world!
Flock of Freedom Issue 1, September 2012
Kai’s Story
She begins with her feelings, thought on courage- people say to her oh you are so
courageous as you left your home and business and everything you knew to go out on
the road. That is not how it felt- it didn’t feel like it had anything to do with courage- it
felt like it was the next logical step.
“For me to stay would have been for me to die.” “That’s true for Chris (her Beloved and
partner) also. “
Kai has had other big steps as she left a marriage after 15 years with no money and no
prospects; she left her apartment in NYC to get married to Chris, not really knowing
what that was all about; she became a teacher of process work when someone called up
and said- “I hear you teach” and she began to teach.
For Kai, all of these major shifts had nothing to do with courage in her words, but more
to do with having enough Presence to what the next step is.
She relates all courage to meaning heart- that all of those moments, she listened to her
heart rather than to any degree of logic. Listening to the inner voice rather than the mind
voice that was saying, what you are out of your mind!
Kai says she doesn’t believe that the ego self/personality self has much access to
freedom. We make up stories about freedom and pretend we are free. Freedom comes
through when we get under our conditioned selves and are willing to live from that
The biggest place that freedom shows up is when one refuses to be afraid of death. When
you are not afraid of death you are willing to go for it. What’s the worst thing that can
happen- dying- well that is no big problem.
Our culture limits us- making us afraid- if you don’t eat right you will die; if you don’t go
to the doctor you will die; if you leave all your belongings and go out on the road you
will die; you don’t have enough money you will die.
“My mother died when I was 13- so I have spent the last 52 years unraveling that puzzle
and the place I came out was that my mother made a contract with our family to give us
the best possible start, love us, give you a good sense of who you are and to launch you
and then I am going to leave. This was a huge gift that she gave and she didn’t die. This
was the beginning of my understanding that death is not what we are told it is.”
Flock of Freedom Issue 1, September 2012
Kai’s story continued:
“I had a brother who died at 3 days old when I was 20 months old and 2 weeks later I went into
convulsions and my parents though I was going to die too. The story I made up about this is that I
did die and that I looked down and saw my parents grieving and I said I would come back. I think
there is a place in me that has left and come back and remembers that- that there is a portal that I can
come and go; my experience with the spiritual work that I do I watch the form go in and out so fast
and so ecstatically that there is nothing- it is just the way it is. This state is so familiar to me.”
So freedom is really not being afraid of dying for Kai.
She shares of her partner and Beloved Chris her belief that in his human form he wanted nothing else
but to feel exquisitely- feel to the depths- to have no resistance to feeling.
Kai then shares a story of an exercise she used to do in the class she taught- you ask the person what
their worst fear was and then the object was to find out how the worst fear was a blessing. Chris’s
worst fear and favorite story was that he would be captured and buried up to his neck (he saw this in
a cowboy/Indian movie) and covered by honey and then eaten by ants. And when the cancer went
to his brain, in a way that is exactly what happened. He told this story over and over.
Flock of Freedom Issue 1, September 2012
Kai’s story continued:
While he was experiencing the cancer, Kai would say to him, so tell me how to heal your body and he
answered, I wouldn’t want to heal this until I knew what this was. He was in the process of feeling
exquisitely. And so it ended up that he had to leave his body. He died. Kai believes that it was his
deepest heart’s desire to feel that way and there was no resistance. This is freedom-“ I don’t have to
stay within the lines to have this experience and this longing- I can go as far as I can imagine.”
Tune in every Wednesday night 8:00 PM EST on BlogTalk Radio
for your opportunity to share your dream of the New World; get reconnected with your
dreams or learn of others’ dreams! Or listen to the archives!
This is a co-creation between myself and Jason Knoll- creator of Imaginal. We are able to create a
magical space where remembering happens, where new worlds are born, where exactly what is
needed is created with the next theme!
Flock of Freedom Issue 1, September 2012
Angel Pricer of Harrisburg, PA.- a mother, a wife, a writer, an embodied GodBeing
Angel is a woman I first connected with on Facebook when I landed in Pennsylvania in the summer
of 2012. It got created that we met at a park one day in late August- walked, broke bread together
and then sat with the geese and chatted.
She shared much with me that day, as I did with her- one of the things she shared was some words
that hang in her home that speak of the Aquarian Age- the age we are now in!
• Remember that the other person is you!
• Vibrate the cosmos and the cosmos will clear the way.
Some other wisdom she shared with me that day is the power of nature for her- nature reminds you
that life is happening all the time and we can choose to live or not! And she is aware that all of that is
Angel also spoke of the deep place within that she knows- the Being and I asked her about creating
from that place. She replied: “Being witnessed in what gets created in the forgetfulness and the
powerfulness that is- there are no limits to the power of creation in the Being. So why do I limit
Angel does such a better job of writing and speaking and I encourage you to visit her on her blog for
more inspiration. Please connect with Angel at
Flock of Freedom Issue 1, September 2012
A small grey squirrel skips lightly over an
electric wire, shining black tightrope, slightly
bouncing over the twisty wet road.
No effort, just slithering, snake-like and sleek,
undulating gently like circus gymnasts, netless
and buoyant, simple walking on air.
But really he holds on for dear life, claws
gripping the rubber, no acrobatic feats of wonder
and grace, but gravity and fall, just seconds
One misstep, and he tumbles, tail over
nose, onto the slick road in a squirming mess of
blurred fur and white bone.
He doesn't feel like a performer, doesn't hear
the roar of the crowd, doesn't smell the
pungency of happy sweat and fresh popcorn
He only leaps, eyes slitting, teeth ground,
muscles tense, believing in all four claws, that
he'll make it to the other side.
Flock of Freedom Issue 1, September 2012
Meet the Sabi Girl- Nancy Grace
Flock of Freedom Issue 1 September 2012
Message from Elizabeth Lynn:
I am honored and inspired to know these women – they exemplify freedom to me- the
teacher of children, the mother/poet, the Sabi girl, and the journeywoman! I just met
the mother/poet and feel like we have known each other for years. I travelled to and
from Mexico and lived for months with the Sabi Girl. The teacher who wrote the poem
is a woman I have known for a few years and we have done some deep spiritual work
together. The journeywoman I met last year after hearing about her and her Beloved
for years- we got to spend two lovely days together this summer!
I am Free- these women are Free! Do you know you are free too!
Call to action: 1. Contact me with your freedom story- 513-429-4452 or 2. Listen to the Imagine Radio Show!
6091 Dryden Ave.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45213

Friday, September 7, 2012

Does it matter or doesn’t it??? 09/05 by Imagine1 | Blog Talk Radio

Does it matter or doesn’t it??? 09/05 by Imagine1 | Blog Talk Radio

Here is the first radio show archive- please listen and in joy- next week- same time, same place if you would like to call in!!!


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Flock of Freedom: Healing Prayers & the Paradigm Jump

Flock of Freedom: Healing Prayers & the Paradigm Jump: This morning, as is the practice that I have returned to, I lay in bed and asked the question what wants to be created today?  It is a quest...

Healing Prayers & the Paradigm Jump

This morning, as is the practice that I have returned to, I lay in bed and asked the question what wants to be created today?  It is a question that is more about the Being of the day that will direct the doing...and there are days where the answer comes swiftly and days where the answer comes slowly!
Today's answer was swift and alignment was the feel and word- an energy running up and down my spine!

The woman whose house I am staying had a client coming over and I had wanted to experience the Healing Prayer Circle I kept seeing advertised at a local B & B- so off I go!

I am greeted by a lone woman who sweetly took me into a room and gave me a prayer request sheet- feeling into it- I chose different words than ever before- I asked to be more open and more in a receiving mode for all the riches, pleasures, experiences- as I venture out on the next phase of this adventure called life.  The woman offered to show me around the B & B and for those of you who know me, know I said yes gleefully!  I love looking at space and rooms!  The whole place has a peaceful and soft energy about we walked, we shared and at one point she looked at me and asked- "Are you an angel- did you get sent here today for me?"  I began to smile and tear up a bit and admitted I have been called an angel - although it felt like a big thing to admit to.

By now a friend of hers had come and they went off to pray for a bit and then they invited me in- again we chatted and the other woman asked lots of questions- including the one- "Have I accepted Jesus in my life?'  Without hesitation, I answered yes.  I have not been baptized in a church again, but in that moment, I got that I have accepted Jesus in my life.  I walk like Jesus- Jesus the son of God who came to earth and was human and God at the same time.

Then I got to experience what others may label channeling the Holy Spirit- the speaking in tongues, the anointing with oils, the laying of hands, the channeling of words and feelings- the whole time I kept sinking more and more into this safe space- leaving behind the judgments, the hurts of churches in my own life- I heard words that I have felt and heard for years in my own dreams and visions- freedom, peace, going places where others do not go, relationships, new.

I showed up vulnerable and real!  I experienced as  if I had been at a Pink Tent celebration, a drumming circle, a dance....something huge happened today and I am stronger for it- there is more of the vibration of me/God!

I went to a healing prayer circle and I jumped this paradigm of separateness because of the religion I practice- I experienced oneness and so did the ladies!!!

So grateful, so blessed....

Elizabeth Lynn

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Flock of Freedom: Integration, breathing, space...ahhh...creation!

Flock of Freedom: Integration, breathing, space...ahhh...creation!: Do not judge yourselves for not being where your soul knows you are going. It is important to move step by step. It is important to integrat...

Integration, breathing, space...ahhh...creation!

Do not judge yourselves for not being where your soul knows you are going. It is important to move step by step. It is important to integrate every piece of your journey. What satisfaction would you have in going from having an empty jigsaw puzzle to a full jigsaw puzzle? Who does that? Those who do that do not get a great deal of satisfaction. The joy of a jigsaw is the piecing together so that you create the whole picture. And there is satisfaction when the whole picture is complete, yes, but the piecing…..that is the discovery. That is where the energy lies and it is the same for your lives. ~~Zachary through Lee, from Personal Power

This was gifted to me on FB by Lee Harris- this after I awake and ask what wants to created today ( a tool that I have begun using again!) and feel and hear and see a healing- a reclaiming!

Over and over again I find it true that all I need to do is look around my outer life to see what is going on in my inner life- that is in those times where I for whatever reason do not have access to the inner without some effort.

So what is going on is I have completed a summer alone in a beautiful space- integrating (that word came up this morning too) all that I have experienced, learned, evolved to over the last few years.  Not many connections with the outer world- a cat to play with- soul family to remain connected with!  I found gigs that supported me in creating food and some play; I created a chiropractor with by body asking for support- but more than that- now that I am in the asking of what is next- I feel a strength of center that I have not felt before and an excitement more than a fear- I feels showing up with resources and gifts and stepping right into the flow- I feel what I desire.... and I can see that place- I have been there before and I return in a very different way- I return past a belief that I do not return to a place.

I sit here in this small coffeehouse and am just feeling all the integration- the reclaiming of parts returned; of parts seen and loved...; heart open- ready to reclaim more of me in a loving embrace!
Grateful to all who have been a part of this journey!

And in that I take the next step..... no judgment...trusting the enfolding....

Elizabeth Lynn

And excited about the next gift to me and through me- the Imagine Radio Show- first show is Wednesday- 9/5/12 8:00PM BlogTalk radio