Monday, May 30, 2011

The Ascension Hike

What a week or more....can't quite follow the days- in the moment, I feel fullness and width and breadth and if I widen back a bit I can feel quick shifts and if I widen back even more, I feel like I have experienced lifetimes in these moments!
Last Wednesday, I moved to another house sit by myself.  The house and grounds are beautiful- especially the grounds- pool, lush gardens, lots of green- so I moved from the house I was sharing with two others into all this space.  And in all this space, movement and shifts were created.
On Thursday, I felt aggravation and off balance- not quite what I have been experiencing and trusting it was perfect.  As I was witnessed by those Beings I am communing with, it became clear I was out of alignment- how it looked was I had chosen to return to a consciousness of lack, of MINE- the people in this house are clearly rich, wealthy and yet I had to ask the maid to get toliet paper and it was locked up in the owner's room.  Well, this is not the world I am creating- I am creating richness, abundance, sharing of resources... I was aggravated- why was I here again?
And you know I don't know the answer but I have met all the feelings with no agenda- not wanting them to leave, or go away, or stay- just being present to the experience.  I have experienced the energy of the elite in me, I sat today and saw and felt the land telling me that no one owns it- it is not MINE, I experienced annoyance towards the dogs I am caring for, I felt the fear of the power of money and MINE- the dark, I have felt the disconnection  from all the creative energy I had been feeling, I have felt the seperation from the whole- alone and feeling sorry for myself- probably more and that is what is coming up now.  All through this I have been honest with what I have been feeling- being present with the others I hang with - witnessing them in what has been up for them- seeing in real time how we are all connected!  And today I feel the love I have for mySelf and the acceptance of where the owners are and the gratitude for my choice of Being in this world, in this way.  It feels like I have the space to hold it all and in this I feel creation surging again.
Friday I cancelled a tennis game- much to the woman's chagrin- and listened to my urge to hike the mountain.  This was a hike to ceremony grounds the indigineous use and when I heard about it - knew it was for me.
I hiked multi-dimensionally- meaning as I hiked up- I saw and felt the story that kept me where I always have been in life- that's enough for today, I think I will stop here; it's too much, I can't go on; looking around at one time, seeing a circle and getting it was the lower circle of ceremony and saying oh this is enough; and yet I kept on going- all alone.  I likened the hike up the mountain to the ascension of the soul- walking through everyday life, having experiences and learning, relationships- it was potent to hear and feel the stories.  I got to the top and experienced the merging of land, lake and sky- what I called heaven!  Sitting there so grateful for me and my dedication and persistence.
Then it was time to come down the mountain- bringing heaven on earth back into the physical- as I came down the mountain once again, I heard and experienced everything multi-dimensionally- I was not too sure- footed coming down and kept hearing stay low to the ground; I came down much quicker than I had gone up; and landing back at the beginning of the hike, I felt such a sense of accomplishment- I did it and I did it alone- it is the walk of souverignty- each of us is to do it on our own- it is where we are now!  Thank us!
Today I witnessed another's flock of freedom- the final disentanglement- I sit here and write and feel my heart open to each of us who have started, stopped to take a rest, or completed the hike...
Life is happening- the shift is here- we are ascending- each time we choose in love, each time we stay present, each time we energetically stay present in our own strength no matter what is going on outside of us, each time we let go of an old pattern or story, each time we accept and trust.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Freedom for you and me!!!

This is my first technology entry into posting videos- have always loved this song and we don't see too many eagles in Mexico- not like I have seen in Wisconsin.  The eagle reminds me of soaring high with my dreams and the gift of seeing a bigger picture than is right in front of me.
I am feeling a quickening- not an impatience- just a quickening and a collapse of time.  I am experiencing each day as full, complete- whether I have plans or not.
Yesterday I had the experience of a heart full opening as I witnessed the scenes from the tornado in Joplin and I witnessed this big soul, my brother- the city manager- holding himself together while he directed the efforts- knowing in my whole being that nothing was wrong with what happened, feeling the sadness and loss, experiencing such possibility, such love.
So grateful to be here at this time, in this way- letting go of any thought that I know what is going on and just showing up as this being of love- witnessing it all!!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My claim to abundance and thriving!!!

For the first time I can remember in a long while, I feel in the flow of life, I feel like I am the flow of life!  I have been working and playing in the field of creating all of this feeling within- feeling all fear, clearing out old patterns, letting go of people, places, things that are not in the same field of resonance anymore- all of this done in love- feeling my imagination, spirit, dreams, passion, innocence, joy returning.  I tear up with the feeling of this at times- I remember a time working with a shaman in the desert and sitting around a circle with loved ones and feeling such wideness, openess, joy, love and wondering then if it was possible to feel like this all of the time.  I was answered with a question- I wonder???  I am here to say it is possible!!!!  I am experiencing more and more of this no matter what is showing up in the outer world.

In this moment, I hear someone get sharp in a response and there is no taking it personal; in this moment, I sit in witness to another Being and pulse to equalize and know who I am- not taking on another's journey- just Being and know it is enough and it is exactly what the being requires; in this moment,  I witness a talk at a group and can hear the multi-dimensional message the speaker is giving and can feel the fullness without any judgment and in this moment, I breathe deeply and relax- I am safe...
I feel in this moment 100% that everything is working out- now that my dreams and passion and imagination are returning and I am open to receive all that is to be given- now that I am aware of what is going on in my Being to tell me I am off track in any way- now that I accept the courage and gifts I am!

And this inner is showing up in the outer is :  I am living in a most luxurious home on top of a mountain overlooking the lake- the home has an infinity pool- I am living with two other Beings who are "family" and I love them and they love me- they see me and I see them- such ease, such grace- the beginnings of commune-unity;  the first day I moved here, we went for a walk to get some more apples for a cleanse we were playing with and ran into a beautiful man in all aspects- a real estate man- even before we said anything he could feel us and see us and saw if we were his first clients it would be a blessing and he could also feel how big we were and what it is we are up too- he wants to meet with the whole group here to know more about us; today after the talk today we followed my desire to get some of Dona's Donuts and saw a sign from the Arbore Real Estate office (the same office from which the beautiful man came from) about training and consulting and my friend got a hit about even more with this real estate agent- possibilites.....;  Tree of Life has come up over and over as a memory for me and here in Mexico, trees are honored- they are not cut down- here in Mexico my tree of life is not getting cut down, it is thriving- I have created a physical representation of my Tree of Life- Arbore means tree in Spanish;  I created a bag of clothes for 40 pesos the other day- clothes required for the hot weather here- clothes I picked and didn't  try on and everything fit perfectly; I am co-creating ways of being more present and in the world with another Being- it is effortless and delightful; I am creating opportunties to allow the flow of cash into my life; I am also aware in this new field that there is no mine- I have practiced that for two years now and can feel it in my bones and cells- I am to just show up in each moment and Be and I will know what or what not to do or say- it may be that I open a door and another steps through- it may be that I am the one stepping through the door- I am safe, I am taken care of - by Me and it looks like all of us...
FYI- My spell check doesn't work so I get what I get....