Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Integration, breathing, space...ahhh...creation!

Do not judge yourselves for not being where your soul knows you are going. It is important to move step by step. It is important to integrate every piece of your journey. What satisfaction would you have in going from having an empty jigsaw puzzle to a full jigsaw puzzle? Who does that? Those who do that do not get a great deal of satisfaction. The joy of a jigsaw is the piecing together so that you create the whole picture. And there is satisfaction when the whole picture is complete, yes, but the piecing…..that is the discovery. That is where the energy lies and it is the same for your lives. ~~Zachary through Lee, from Personal Power

This was gifted to me on FB by Lee Harris- this after I awake and ask what wants to created today ( a tool that I have begun using again!) and feel and hear and see a healing- a reclaiming!

Over and over again I find it true that all I need to do is look around my outer life to see what is going on in my inner life- that is in those times where I for whatever reason do not have access to the inner without some effort.

So what is going on is I have completed a summer alone in a beautiful space- integrating (that word came up this morning too) all that I have experienced, learned, evolved to over the last few years.  Not many connections with the outer world- a cat to play with- soul family to remain connected with!  I found gigs that supported me in creating food and some play; I created a chiropractor with by body asking for support- but more than that- now that I am in the asking of what is next- I feel a strength of center that I have not felt before and an excitement more than a fear- I feels showing up with resources and gifts and stepping right into the flow- I feel what I desire.... and I can see that place- I have been there before and I return in a very different way- I return past a belief that I do not return to a place.

I sit here in this small coffeehouse and am just feeling all the integration- the reclaiming of parts returned; of parts seen and loved...; heart open- ready to reclaim more of me in a loving embrace!
Grateful to all who have been a part of this journey!

And in that I take the next step..... no judgment...trusting the enfolding....

Elizabeth Lynn

And excited about the next gift to me and through me- the Imagine Radio Show- first show is Wednesday- 9/5/12 8:00PM BlogTalk radio

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