Good morning from sunny Mexico!!! I awake this morning after a dream of saying a final, loving goodbye to the person in my life that represents the Hero; in life, he saw me before I saw myself and encouraged me and loved me and always was the voice of reason asking the "hard" questions. I receive the message that it is time to become my own Hero. I also get that I don't know the how of that so I ask for help from my Higher Self to keep showing me!
There is something that is coming together for me this morning as I read a post by Carolyn Myss about the recent earthquake in Japan- she speaks of the simple truth that we are connected to the earth and all life. Yesterday the woman I am sharing a place with and I had a conversation about life- I am experiencing a connection to all life- no matter what age or whether life has two legs or four legs or any legs- maybe life has roots or wings. I asked the question- is any life better or more important than another and can I be with all life in simple acceptance- that seems to be what is up for me as I navigate through a country and a culture that is unfamiliar. Carolyn said that life is out of balance and that is what is happening on the earth right now- I can see that in my own life- the out of balance- going from unconscious consumer of all resources to conscious and choosing lack consumer of resources; going from looking for the answers outside of myself to finding them within; going from passive surrender to active surrender; - I am finding my balance as well. The balance for me is to create richness all my experiences.
Part of the balance is saying no to my mind- which has run the show for oh so long. Last night after an expansive weekend- my mind began to chatter- oh nothing has changed, you are still the same person......
So I chose to sit down and meditate and write about what has happened since I came here a week and a half ago- the world has shifted! The earth shifted and so did I - no surprise there if I step past what the forgetting mind was trying to tell me and allowed the truth to come up.
- I experience no past and the gift of staying present more and more
- I had money stolen and received the gift of looking deeply into all the stories about money that I was living with
- I have reclaimed creativity in the kitchen
- I am living with a woman with whom I share authentically the quiet and the conversation
- I co-created two times of Being with three other people where a different field was created and I stepped into that- one of the awareness I had was that I still carried the "holding" of the planet and again I do not know how to be with that so I ask my Higher Self for assistance
- I created unexpected money coming in and a possible flow in service
- I experienced a group call that opens up worlds in possibilities
- I created the experience of a sweat lodge
- I experienced a drumming group on the boardwalk during full moon that met all my creations- outdoors, children, older people, dancing, voice....
I acknowledge the shifting and balancing that I am doing and Being along with the Great Mother.... And I acknowledge thatn the shifts do not have show themselves on the outer to be real!!!
This blog journals one woman's adventure of freedom- the creation of freedom within and the fun of seeing what it begins to look like on the outside.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Road Trip and Then Some....
I began this blog the night of March 8th after a day filled with adventure and learning and releasing and relaxing into this new way- in a world where I am the minority, where I am not aware of the customs, where I am totally off-center. And where the only place to call home is right here in the center of this Being.
Today we crossed into Mexico- over the border. How interesting that there is a concrete border between these two countries and one has to pay to visit- on the other side, you are not allowed to visit at all. As we drive through the Sierra Madre Mountains and I beginning to feel my molecules all coming back to rest- hearing the mountains greet me and welcome me- I wonder about us humans that erect boundaries like what I saw. The other thing I witnessed that kept showing me that I am not peaceful with the what is- is the Military- at the border in large quantities- pulling over a car and dumping everything out of the car- I watch as the young man stood there with a rifle that looked plastic. We were stopped soon out of the town of Nuevo Laredo and another man came to the car to look at our visas and passports he also went through our stuff- found some soap I brought and I gave it to him. So many military – all over the place and I am not peaceful about it- I feel the energy of fear; I feel the energy of control. And I wonder what is it that I have created- obviously I am not peaceful- because there are still man-made borders and there are still military pulling people over searching cars and holding guns- I choose to take this into meditation and practice tonight- see if there is something else I can release in me- something else I can love in me- because this is not the world I am creating.
I am creating the world I am feeling now- peace, freedom, birds singing, jammies on, sun shining, allowing forth all the abundance required to support me- stewarding a service to the planet- accepting that there is nothing to do- but just show up.
I did not take the lack of peace into meditation with me last night because I fell asleep and that feels like what the body needed- what I know from how I woke up is that I was doing the work at night and all will be revealed in short time- so I release any need to force it.
Here I sit in gratitude in a little town called Matehuala- having just had a beer and a steak dinner sitting in an outdoor café being able to see the mountains- feeling Mother!
It is around 5:00 and I have my jammies on- there is no internet service and I have made a strong choice to continue my daily practice everyday and write what’s up for me in the blog
The morning of the ninth, I am up early and allow myself the gift of doing my practice- recalling the mind in a kind, loving way- recalling my body- recalling all the dimensions of Lynn- and I am home in I am power in love- joining the third and fourth chakra.
Choosing to allow the day to enfold in being led by the part of me called the natural world-that allow me to stay in all my creations on this day. Sitting again outside with the mountain in view, sipping coffee, breathing, breathing, and breathing…. Choosing to allow the blog to enfold over the next day- can’t do anything about the posting because the Internet in this hotel is not working.
After leaving Matehuala, we travelled this day to Ajijic- our destination. On this day, there were no policia and the countryside was spectacular. It is the dry season down here and there was a lot of brown and it is dry- the cactus were as big as trees and the Sierra Madre mountains were with us on the drive the whole time- such strength and softness at the same time in these mountains- I could feel Mother.
The closer we got to Ajijic, the wetter is was and the lusher it was- as we came around the last corner- there was the lake- oh man what a sight – large crystal lake with diamonds shining off of it.
The town itself is sweet and there is a lot of tourism- there is a Domino’s pizza…Wal-Mart and apparently now a Subway. And the mountains surround it and the lake borders it. It feels like it is held in an embrace.
We arrive to this beautiful space and are welcomed by the man of the house- shown the house- choice of three places to stay- Nancy picked the Ambassador suite and I picked the upstairs bedroom with it’s own patio- each has it’s own bathroom. The house is open ceiling with a pool in the middle and I have already seen a hummingbird in the gardens.
I have been feeling dog and guess what there are two here.
The owners of the house have a daughter who is in the hospital in the states dealing with brain tumor- while we are there I get an opportunity to have a heart-filled conversation with the man of the house about what is up for him- and we know he will need to go back to the states to be with his wife and daughter- while sitting with him, he says thank you for hearing the call and I realize again the magic of surrender. And the power of the whole when the one steps into a big creation.
Right now as I listen to the church bells ring, I thank myself for letting go and having the courage to take the next step and am grateful for living fully in my creations.
And so I have internet as of the morning of the tenth- will just add and make this a large blog- it is perfect I am sure- the message is strong.
Waking today with a hummingbird outside my window and the sun shining directly on the bed- I experience one of the deepest meditations I have had in a while- mountains seen from the window- feeling Mother and creation- feeling the holding of Grandmother. Today with no agenda I experienced the lake twice- one walk with Nancy and another taking the dogs and laughing while the one dog ran into the lake; I swim in the pool; we go to the grocery and create a marvelous meal of salmon and veggies; we have lunch at this fun place called the Garden where peacocks roam free. And I am experiencing instantly- at lunch we asked for green sauce for the enchiladas and I also wanted red, but didn’t say anything- we got red too. There is a sweet looking shrine up the mountain and today I said I want to climb and tonight at dinner the man of the house (leaving tomorrow to join his wife and daughter)- said that is one of the places he takes the dogs and he will show me tomorrow before he leaves- now I have some Being to walk with.
I keep feeling this sense of never having had a life before this- I have no history- and that feels like a powerful place to create. I create richness in life- community, service, love, partnership, food, fun, children, animals, friends- more to come.
I am happy to be reconnected to people in my life who have shared this journey with me- who have been doing their own work while I have been doing mine- I can’t wait to see what happens next. Last night I got to see again in the flesh Susan and Olivier- thank you dear ones. I have taken this part of the journey with a woman named Nancy- we never met until Monday and can you say synch…. Lovely dancing with you while shopping, while cooking dinner, while listening to what needs to be done here and just knowing who will do what and what we will do together, for navigating and creating a safe fun trip across the border. And for Teacher who still reflects Me.
Freedom and joy
Monday, March 7, 2011
I'm off...
This will be a quick one- I'm off - well we know that... but I have left physically. Sitting in a lovely hotel room in Laredo Texas with my new friend....
A little off center at the LaCrosse airport- baggage costs alot- $60 as opposed to what I thought was $50 and then they wanted to charge another $90 because my one bag weighed over 50 pounds; personally I thought it was amazing that I got my whole life into two suitcase and a carry on- Delta didn't agree. So because I believe in traveling light and I also want to watch where the money goes- after a moment of shakiness, I chose strongly to open the overweight suitcase and take out two pairs of shoes, a sweatshirt, my jean jacket, a beach towel and left them at the airport- also left my winter coat because right now I don't need it and I wasn't going to carry all of that. The lady behind the counter was surprised and allowed me the bag through over 50- I think just to get rid of me.
OK- onto the plane- effortless flight, effortless transfer in Minneapolis with no wait time. Big plane going to Austin so I got all three seats to myself and as we were coming into Austin- the cloud beings waved and shouted welcome to me.
Now that I am sitting and writing I guess the price of the bags was worth it, because they were the first two out of the claim area- I walked outside and without a cell phone, my friend Nancy pulled up and we took off- again- effortless.
Besides some engaging conversation, the other excitement for the night was dinner- Texas BBQ and some of the best creamed corn I have ever tasted....
We are off early in the am so i will sign off now-more to come...
A little off center at the LaCrosse airport- baggage costs alot- $60 as opposed to what I thought was $50 and then they wanted to charge another $90 because my one bag weighed over 50 pounds; personally I thought it was amazing that I got my whole life into two suitcase and a carry on- Delta didn't agree. So because I believe in traveling light and I also want to watch where the money goes- after a moment of shakiness, I chose strongly to open the overweight suitcase and take out two pairs of shoes, a sweatshirt, my jean jacket, a beach towel and left them at the airport- also left my winter coat because right now I don't need it and I wasn't going to carry all of that. The lady behind the counter was surprised and allowed me the bag through over 50- I think just to get rid of me.
OK- onto the plane- effortless flight, effortless transfer in Minneapolis with no wait time. Big plane going to Austin so I got all three seats to myself and as we were coming into Austin- the cloud beings waved and shouted welcome to me.
Now that I am sitting and writing I guess the price of the bags was worth it, because they were the first two out of the claim area- I walked outside and without a cell phone, my friend Nancy pulled up and we took off- again- effortless.
Besides some engaging conversation, the other excitement for the night was dinner- Texas BBQ and some of the best creamed corn I have ever tasted....
We are off early in the am so i will sign off now-more to come...
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Here it is the last full day before I leave to enter the next step of what I know is my soul's journey and what a day! Earlier in the week, I had this knowing show up that something big would happen as far as my experiencing my creations right before I left- my mind said I would meet my soul mate- what's funny is that on a certain level that is true, but not the way I thought!
Today I met with the one I have created as Teacher - one of the desires I have in life is to allow who I am to shine through- that means to me to do the work that clears me of old patterns, beliefs, relationships that don't serve this purpose. Earlier in the week during one of our sessions, he called bull.... to my ego- something that was jarring enough for me so that I have been able to carry that forward for myself. So the first conversation we had was to complete the work we have done- which was to reclaim parts of me that I had left behind and to see where I was stuck in emotions, thoughts, actions that kept me doing the same thing over and over again. The offer on the table is that we could continue the work but that it would be more like our conversation earlier in the week and that I as of yet had not invited that in- this felt right on target if I want to keep evolving. The whole vibration was one of feeling union and that is one of the creations I truly desire to experience. So I am inviting it in.
Then we moved on to a conversation of money- he had offered money towards this new creation of mine- the going to a new physical location; he had been doing his work all week of how to best serve me and also the why of the offer of money and what he had uncovered is that the offer was part of a karmic relationship of taking care of me. As he was sharing, I could feel the truth in this and even though my ego -mind was screaming oh no- not enough money- I strongly chose not to accept the money (he was willing to honor his offer). I can't really put words to this, but as we were speaking I could feel a huge shift in me- a lightness came over me- an ahhh... this is why I was here! This theme has been up for weeks- that besides my own work- there was some karmic thing that had to be cleared!
And even though I am leaving with less money than desired and the service that I wish to offer is not fully grounded yet- I am now leaving more complete and with less worry than I have had since I made this decision to leave. I am so grateful!!! There is so much more of me to create with- to experience with!
Then came the powerful conversation from me about how I would like to work with Teacher in the next period of time- I have always honored teacher with some form of financial contribution or some other form of energy exchange and I have never set that up ahead of time- it just came as it did. It feels important for me to set a schedule- important for me because I am creating a service to the world and I have always had a tendency to be small about that. So I will be exploring service and money- growing in I am power in love in this area.
I feel like I did meet my soul mate and he/she is typing this blog.
What a day!!! And way to wait until the 11th hour- always like a little excitement! Mind you no chaos- just a little excitement!!!
Today I met with the one I have created as Teacher - one of the desires I have in life is to allow who I am to shine through- that means to me to do the work that clears me of old patterns, beliefs, relationships that don't serve this purpose. Earlier in the week during one of our sessions, he called bull.... to my ego- something that was jarring enough for me so that I have been able to carry that forward for myself. So the first conversation we had was to complete the work we have done- which was to reclaim parts of me that I had left behind and to see where I was stuck in emotions, thoughts, actions that kept me doing the same thing over and over again. The offer on the table is that we could continue the work but that it would be more like our conversation earlier in the week and that I as of yet had not invited that in- this felt right on target if I want to keep evolving. The whole vibration was one of feeling union and that is one of the creations I truly desire to experience. So I am inviting it in.
Then we moved on to a conversation of money- he had offered money towards this new creation of mine- the going to a new physical location; he had been doing his work all week of how to best serve me and also the why of the offer of money and what he had uncovered is that the offer was part of a karmic relationship of taking care of me. As he was sharing, I could feel the truth in this and even though my ego -mind was screaming oh no- not enough money- I strongly chose not to accept the money (he was willing to honor his offer). I can't really put words to this, but as we were speaking I could feel a huge shift in me- a lightness came over me- an ahhh... this is why I was here! This theme has been up for weeks- that besides my own work- there was some karmic thing that had to be cleared!
And even though I am leaving with less money than desired and the service that I wish to offer is not fully grounded yet- I am now leaving more complete and with less worry than I have had since I made this decision to leave. I am so grateful!!! There is so much more of me to create with- to experience with!
Then came the powerful conversation from me about how I would like to work with Teacher in the next period of time- I have always honored teacher with some form of financial contribution or some other form of energy exchange and I have never set that up ahead of time- it just came as it did. It feels important for me to set a schedule- important for me because I am creating a service to the world and I have always had a tendency to be small about that. So I will be exploring service and money- growing in I am power in love in this area.
I feel like I did meet my soul mate and he/she is typing this blog.
What a day!!! And way to wait until the 11th hour- always like a little excitement! Mind you no chaos- just a little excitement!!!
Change; Freedom;Joy
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Traveling "Light"
Well now it is down to one day before I depart for Mexico... this morning I completed packing the big bag I am taking and put it in the trunk of the car- only because we got trapped in last night due to the mud and the big ruts on the road- so if we were able to move the car this morning after the freeze overnight, I wanted that big bag in there so I wouldn't have to lug it up the 1/2 mile hill! So I came here with a Corolla full and I am leaving here with one large and one small suitcase- which better suits what it looks like may happen for me traveling around for awhile with no real settling down. Going and getting immersed in the community that is next and then going on to the next.
Traveling "light"- not only on the outer, but I am carrying less baggage on the inner- letting go, letting go- reclaiming, remembering, integrating. I have my life for the first time... ever!
This week's theme seems to be remembering that I am here to steward everything- nothing is mine! Letting go of the need to own a house; the money isn't mine- it is here to care for me and just flow through; the tools I require to live abundantly are not mine- they are there to use and share sometimes and let go of; whatever service I provide to the planet at this time is something that comes through me, not from me; even relationships are not mine- but to dive into, learn from, have fun with and sometimes let go of. Traveling "light".
These last few days have been so sweet and so full- today I served a family by being with the children all day. I got to experience a 9 year old having fun with energy and movement through him when he injured himself and agreed to an exercise I use on myself- I witnessed his feeling of the shift in his body. It was such fun!!! Nothing from me but the offer and the witness- no sloggy holding space or shifting energy for someone. Traveling "light" does not mean traveling small! What a gift for me and what a gift for him...
I also wanted to share another blog from a woman I respect who speaks about traveling right now:
Mother Divine’s tsunami of change, which has been building for a while, has definitely crested. No question about that. Things are churned up. Things are accelerating. Life has become increasingly challenging. And we are only just beginning this year of accelerated change! It isn't just you or changes in your area of the world. This is global. Things are churned up everywhere!
If your boat feels like it’s in danger of capsizing, perhaps you need to put on your inspector’s cap and give it a good once over. (1) Are there too many people on board? (2) Are you carrying excess baggage? (3) Are you assuming the chatter on your shortwave radio is your own?
Here are some recommendations for your consideration:
(1) Make a list of all the people in your life and, in a detached way, scrutinize the energy of each. Is the person adding to your life? Detracting? Are you, because you have a tie to them, psychically picking up their inner turmoil? If someone isn’t on the same wavelength, perhaps it’s time to part company.
To be perfectly honest, it’s a problem if anyone is in your boat (i.e. awareness field) right now. Everyone should have her/his own boat. We are all responsible for ourselves. We need to be free to make our own choices, change direction, steer clear of obstacles. Other people in your boat make it heavy and hard to maneuver.
(2) Scrutinize your baggage. Your baggage—emotional, mental, or psychic—may be what’s making your boat unstable. Are you still trying to control things? Are you hanging on to an old belief system that doesn’t serve you anymore? Are you feeling resistant to look at a process that’s up in your face?
More often than not, the problem confronting you—what your mind perceives as the problem—is not the immediate problem. The real problem is your resistance to dealing with the problem. Once you overcome your resistance, you can begin to move down through the layers of emotions that compose your problem, one by one, until you reach the fear that underlies them. And once you merge with the fear, it dissolves into the pure light of consciousness.Emotions are just vibrations within the emotional body. None of them can harm you. But the mind says, “This problem is so cataclysmic that you’ll die if you go into it”. And we believe the mind. We resist diving into the process.
My method is to acknowledge and meet the resistance, to tell it, “This resistance is welcome here”. If resistance is what is up in your face, welcome the resistance, then begin to welcome the layers of the process as they reveal themselves. Anything that is really seen, acknowledged, and honored comes to rest quite easily.
Buddha said: Life is suffering and suffering is caused by attachment. So, if you’re suffering, investigate and work through your attachments to people. Meet and honor your attachments to your baggage.
Only you can do your processing work. Someone can teach, advise, and/or support you. But you have to do the work. It is messy down there in the depths of the emotional swamp. I know. I’ve been there countless times. Not savory. But, once you decide to plunge in, it’s very, very doable.
Come on. Confess. You love the feeling of freedom that comes when you drop a piece of excess baggage or a person who is draining your energy. So, buck up; inspect your boat; lighten it up.
Or, better yet, trade it in for a surfboard! Just you, your bathing suit, and the Divine Mother’s tsunami of change. Too little security in a surfboard? Better get used to it. We’ll be swimming like dolphins before it’s all over!
You’re perfectly capable of surfing the tsunami, you know. You wouldn’t have chosen to be here at the end of a cycle of time if you weren’t geared for high-speed change.
Traveling "light"- not only on the outer, but I am carrying less baggage on the inner- letting go, letting go- reclaiming, remembering, integrating. I have my life for the first time... ever!
This week's theme seems to be remembering that I am here to steward everything- nothing is mine! Letting go of the need to own a house; the money isn't mine- it is here to care for me and just flow through; the tools I require to live abundantly are not mine- they are there to use and share sometimes and let go of; whatever service I provide to the planet at this time is something that comes through me, not from me; even relationships are not mine- but to dive into, learn from, have fun with and sometimes let go of. Traveling "light".
These last few days have been so sweet and so full- today I served a family by being with the children all day. I got to experience a 9 year old having fun with energy and movement through him when he injured himself and agreed to an exercise I use on myself- I witnessed his feeling of the shift in his body. It was such fun!!! Nothing from me but the offer and the witness- no sloggy holding space or shifting energy for someone. Traveling "light" does not mean traveling small! What a gift for me and what a gift for him...
I also wanted to share another blog from a woman I respect who speaks about traveling right now:
Surfing the Tsunami
Lucia Rene
For many people, things feel really churned up right now. A surprising number of people report that someone in their family is dying and the issue of death always causes a lot of haywire emotions to surface. Some are feeling that they are on a processing roller coaster. Others, however, are reporting ecstasy and exhilaration. Where on the spectrum are you?
If your boat feels like it’s in danger of capsizing, perhaps you need to put on your inspector’s cap and give it a good once over. (1) Are there too many people on board? (2) Are you carrying excess baggage? (3) Are you assuming the chatter on your shortwave radio is your own?
Here are some recommendations for your consideration:
(1) Make a list of all the people in your life and, in a detached way, scrutinize the energy of each. Is the person adding to your life? Detracting? Are you, because you have a tie to them, psychically picking up their inner turmoil? If someone isn’t on the same wavelength, perhaps it’s time to part company.
To be perfectly honest, it’s a problem if anyone is in your boat (i.e. awareness field) right now. Everyone should have her/his own boat. We are all responsible for ourselves. We need to be free to make our own choices, change direction, steer clear of obstacles. Other people in your boat make it heavy and hard to maneuver.
(2) Scrutinize your baggage. Your baggage—emotional, mental, or psychic—may be what’s making your boat unstable. Are you still trying to control things? Are you hanging on to an old belief system that doesn’t serve you anymore? Are you feeling resistant to look at a process that’s up in your face?
More often than not, the problem confronting you—what your mind perceives as the problem—is not the immediate problem. The real problem is your resistance to dealing with the problem. Once you overcome your resistance, you can begin to move down through the layers of emotions that compose your problem, one by one, until you reach the fear that underlies them. And once you merge with the fear, it dissolves into the pure light of consciousness.Emotions are just vibrations within the emotional body. None of them can harm you. But the mind says, “This problem is so cataclysmic that you’ll die if you go into it”. And we believe the mind. We resist diving into the process.
My method is to acknowledge and meet the resistance, to tell it, “This resistance is welcome here”. If resistance is what is up in your face, welcome the resistance, then begin to welcome the layers of the process as they reveal themselves. Anything that is really seen, acknowledged, and honored comes to rest quite easily.
Buddha said: Life is suffering and suffering is caused by attachment. So, if you’re suffering, investigate and work through your attachments to people. Meet and honor your attachments to your baggage.
Only you can do your processing work. Someone can teach, advise, and/or support you. But you have to do the work. It is messy down there in the depths of the emotional swamp. I know. I’ve been there countless times. Not savory. But, once you decide to plunge in, it’s very, very doable.
Come on. Confess. You love the feeling of freedom that comes when you drop a piece of excess baggage or a person who is draining your energy. So, buck up; inspect your boat; lighten it up.
Or, better yet, trade it in for a surfboard! Just you, your bathing suit, and the Divine Mother’s tsunami of change. Too little security in a surfboard? Better get used to it. We’ll be swimming like dolphins before it’s all over!
You’re perfectly capable of surfing the tsunami, you know. You wouldn’t have chosen to be here at the end of a cycle of time if you weren’t geared for high-speed change.
Traveling "Light"
Well now it is down to one day before I depart for Mexico... this morning I completed packing the big bag I am taking and put it in the trunk of the car- only because we got trapped in last night due to the mud and the big ruts on the road- so if we were able to move the car this morning after the freeze overnight, I wanted that big bag in there so I wouldn't have to lug it up the 1/2 mile hill! So I came here with a Corolla full and I am leaving here with one large and one small suitcase- which better suits what it looks like may happen for me traveling around for awhile with no real settling down. Going and getting immersed in the community that is next and then going on to the next.
Traveling "light"- not only on the outer, but I am carrying less baggage on the inner- letting go, letting go- reclaiming, remembering, integrating. I have my life for the first time... ever!
This week's theme seems to be remembering that I am here to steward everything- nothing is mine! Letting go of the need to own a house; the money isn't mine- it is here to care for me and just flow through; the tools I require to live abundantly are not mine- they are there to use and share sometimes and let go of; whatever service I provide to the planet at this time is something that comes through me, not from me; even relationships are not mine- but to dive into, learn from, have fun with and sometimes let go of. Traveling "light".
These last few days have been so sweet and so full- today I served a family by being with the children all day. I got to experience a 9 year old having fun with energy and movement through him when he injured himself and agreed to an exercise I use on myself- I witnessed his feeling of the shift in his body. It was such fun!!! Nothing from me but the offer and the witness- no sloggy holding space or shifting energy for someone. Traveling "light" does not mean traveling small! What a gift for me and what a gift for him...
I also wanted to share another blog from a woman I respect who speaks about traveling right now:
Mother Divine’s tsunami of change, which has been building for a while, has definitely crested. No question about that. Things are churned up. Things are accelerating. Life has become increasingly challenging. And we are only just beginning this year of accelerated change! It isn't just you or changes in your area of the world. This is global. Things are churned up everywhere!
If your boat feels like it’s in danger of capsizing, perhaps you need to put on your inspector’s cap and give it a good once over. (1) Are there too many people on board? (2) Are you carrying excess baggage? (3) Are you assuming the chatter on your shortwave radio is your own?
Here are some recommendations for your consideration:
(1) Make a list of all the people in your life and, in a detached way, scrutinize the energy of each. Is the person adding to your life? Detracting? Are you, because you have a tie to them, psychically picking up their inner turmoil? If someone isn’t on the same wavelength, perhaps it’s time to part company.
To be perfectly honest, it’s a problem if anyone is in your boat (i.e. awareness field) right now. Everyone should have her/his own boat. We are all responsible for ourselves. We need to be free to make our own choices, change direction, steer clear of obstacles. Other people in your boat make it heavy and hard to maneuver.
(2) Scrutinize your baggage. Your baggage—emotional, mental, or psychic—may be what’s making your boat unstable. Are you still trying to control things? Are you hanging on to an old belief system that doesn’t serve you anymore? Are you feeling resistant to look at a process that’s up in your face?
More often than not, the problem confronting you—what your mind perceives as the problem—is not the immediate problem. The real problem is your resistance to dealing with the problem. Once you overcome your resistance, you can begin to move down through the layers of emotions that compose your problem, one by one, until you reach the fear that underlies them. And once you merge with the fear, it dissolves into the pure light of consciousness.Emotions are just vibrations within the emotional body. None of them can harm you. But the mind says, “This problem is so cataclysmic that you’ll die if you go into it”. And we believe the mind. We resist diving into the process.
My method is to acknowledge and meet the resistance, to tell it, “This resistance is welcome here”. If resistance is what is up in your face, welcome the resistance, then begin to welcome the layers of the process as they reveal themselves. Anything that is really seen, acknowledged, and honored comes to rest quite easily.
Buddha said: Life is suffering and suffering is caused by attachment. So, if you’re suffering, investigate and work through your attachments to people. Meet and honor your attachments to your baggage.
Only you can do your processing work. Someone can teach, advise, and/or support you. But you have to do the work. It is messy down there in the depths of the emotional swamp. I know. I’ve been there countless times. Not savory. But, once you decide to plunge in, it’s very, very doable.
Come on. Confess. You love the feeling of freedom that comes when you drop a piece of excess baggage or a person who is draining your energy. So, buck up; inspect your boat; lighten it up.
Or, better yet, trade it in for a surfboard! Just you, your bathing suit, and the Divine Mother’s tsunami of change. Too little security in a surfboard? Better get used to it. We’ll be swimming like dolphins before it’s all over!
You’re perfectly capable of surfing the tsunami, you know. You wouldn’t have chosen to be here at the end of a cycle of time if you weren’t geared for high-speed change.
Traveling "light"- not only on the outer, but I am carrying less baggage on the inner- letting go, letting go- reclaiming, remembering, integrating. I have my life for the first time... ever!
This week's theme seems to be remembering that I am here to steward everything- nothing is mine! Letting go of the need to own a house; the money isn't mine- it is here to care for me and just flow through; the tools I require to live abundantly are not mine- they are there to use and share sometimes and let go of; whatever service I provide to the planet at this time is something that comes through me, not from me; even relationships are not mine- but to dive into, learn from, have fun with and sometimes let go of. Traveling "light".
These last few days have been so sweet and so full- today I served a family by being with the children all day. I got to experience a 9 year old having fun with energy and movement through him when he injured himself and agreed to an exercise I use on myself- I witnessed his feeling of the shift in his body. It was such fun!!! Nothing from me but the offer and the witness- no sloggy holding space or shifting energy for someone. Traveling "light" does not mean traveling small! What a gift for me and what a gift for him...
I also wanted to share another blog from a woman I respect who speaks about traveling right now:
Surfing the Tsunami
Lucia Rene
For many people, things feel really churned up right now. A surprising number of people report that someone in their family is dying and the issue of death always causes a lot of haywire emotions to surface. Some are feeling that they are on a processing roller coaster. Others, however, are reporting ecstasy and exhilaration. Where on the spectrum are you?
If your boat feels like it’s in danger of capsizing, perhaps you need to put on your inspector’s cap and give it a good once over. (1) Are there too many people on board? (2) Are you carrying excess baggage? (3) Are you assuming the chatter on your shortwave radio is your own?
Here are some recommendations for your consideration:
(1) Make a list of all the people in your life and, in a detached way, scrutinize the energy of each. Is the person adding to your life? Detracting? Are you, because you have a tie to them, psychically picking up their inner turmoil? If someone isn’t on the same wavelength, perhaps it’s time to part company.
To be perfectly honest, it’s a problem if anyone is in your boat (i.e. awareness field) right now. Everyone should have her/his own boat. We are all responsible for ourselves. We need to be free to make our own choices, change direction, steer clear of obstacles. Other people in your boat make it heavy and hard to maneuver.
(2) Scrutinize your baggage. Your baggage—emotional, mental, or psychic—may be what’s making your boat unstable. Are you still trying to control things? Are you hanging on to an old belief system that doesn’t serve you anymore? Are you feeling resistant to look at a process that’s up in your face?
More often than not, the problem confronting you—what your mind perceives as the problem—is not the immediate problem. The real problem is your resistance to dealing with the problem. Once you overcome your resistance, you can begin to move down through the layers of emotions that compose your problem, one by one, until you reach the fear that underlies them. And once you merge with the fear, it dissolves into the pure light of consciousness.Emotions are just vibrations within the emotional body. None of them can harm you. But the mind says, “This problem is so cataclysmic that you’ll die if you go into it”. And we believe the mind. We resist diving into the process.
My method is to acknowledge and meet the resistance, to tell it, “This resistance is welcome here”. If resistance is what is up in your face, welcome the resistance, then begin to welcome the layers of the process as they reveal themselves. Anything that is really seen, acknowledged, and honored comes to rest quite easily.
Buddha said: Life is suffering and suffering is caused by attachment. So, if you’re suffering, investigate and work through your attachments to people. Meet and honor your attachments to your baggage.
Only you can do your processing work. Someone can teach, advise, and/or support you. But you have to do the work. It is messy down there in the depths of the emotional swamp. I know. I’ve been there countless times. Not savory. But, once you decide to plunge in, it’s very, very doable.
Come on. Confess. You love the feeling of freedom that comes when you drop a piece of excess baggage or a person who is draining your energy. So, buck up; inspect your boat; lighten it up.
Or, better yet, trade it in for a surfboard! Just you, your bathing suit, and the Divine Mother’s tsunami of change. Too little security in a surfboard? Better get used to it. We’ll be swimming like dolphins before it’s all over!
You’re perfectly capable of surfing the tsunami, you know. You wouldn’t have chosen to be here at the end of a cycle of time if you weren’t geared for high-speed change.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Parenting Myself in real time....
This feels like a coming out week for me- I have been out of the house, being with more people this week than I have the whole time I have been in this geographic location- and the taste of it is very different. I am Present most of the time- still getting my quiet time- it has been a lovely dance of balance.
Today I took yesterday's lesson into the day and walked with the vibe of parenting myself in the power of love- the day so far ( I will be attending a fund raiser this evening) has been in service to another family I have met who love me and I love them. Underneath the disguise of child care or house sitter they can feel something else and we have a genuine relationship. Today I spent the day taking care of the four children and I could not have created a more beautiful day- a walk in the woods, meaningful conversation, movie, good food! I experienced this because each time my mind stepped in with a story of some sort- like, I am tired or I can't do this, or I don't like this- I said Bull.... and remembered center, home. So I met the young girl who chose to wear shoes instead of boots and then cried about the shoes not working with what is- and I kept meeting her with what is, not getting hooked in what she was trying to create. By the end of the day, she said she loved me. I met one of the young boys who tease his younger brother into tears and fits with a what is statement- one warning and then up to his room by himself.
So on a day i parented myself, I had more fun with these kids than I ever have and they did too! I am sitting quietly for an hour before I go to the fundraiser and meditating and writing- to reclaim the whole day!
Today I took yesterday's lesson into the day and walked with the vibe of parenting myself in the power of love- the day so far ( I will be attending a fund raiser this evening) has been in service to another family I have met who love me and I love them. Underneath the disguise of child care or house sitter they can feel something else and we have a genuine relationship. Today I spent the day taking care of the four children and I could not have created a more beautiful day- a walk in the woods, meaningful conversation, movie, good food! I experienced this because each time my mind stepped in with a story of some sort- like, I am tired or I can't do this, or I don't like this- I said Bull.... and remembered center, home. So I met the young girl who chose to wear shoes instead of boots and then cried about the shoes not working with what is- and I kept meeting her with what is, not getting hooked in what she was trying to create. By the end of the day, she said she loved me. I met one of the young boys who tease his younger brother into tears and fits with a what is statement- one warning and then up to his room by himself.
So on a day i parented myself, I had more fun with these kids than I ever have and they did too! I am sitting quietly for an hour before I go to the fundraiser and meditating and writing- to reclaim the whole day!
Freedom and joy
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Parenting Myself
Well- what a day so far and it isn't even half over with! The theme of the morning has been parenting myself.
There is quite a bit of energy swirling what with sun magnetics and of course the internal energy of my anticipated move. Not to be gross, but I am experiencing swollen breast and very tender nipples- it was mentioned a few times yesterday as I shared with friends- like I was giving birth or mothering. As I lay in bed this morning, I asked my breasts what they had to say. I heard that it felt like I was leaving the two little boys I live with behind- my little girl with whom I had just integrated was worried, she was going to be left behind again. I felt that and saw a belief that if I leave everything ends and felt how that had served me in the past- thank you! And leaving physically doesn't mean everything ends. Sending love to my little girl.
I could also feel this new creation of service that is forming as a baby growing in me- desire to take care of myself during pregnancy and nurture myself- desire to breast feed the baby after it is born. Going to spend some time with this baby today.
And today during a conversation with Teacher and doing work around fear and how I experience fear another level revealed itself- it is up to me and I can do it- the it is to love myself enough that I call bull.... when my mind says I can't do this or I can't do that. It came up as we were working on some body practices to show me even when I don't think I am in fear, I am- my mind is wonderful at telling me I licked something. So it is now up to me to with love- say enough. I have been that and done that for others- children and adults alike- time to do it for myself.
And so today with no story I take for myself- to parent, to nurture, to love- I choose to meditate, to write, to connect with friends, to read, to be quiet, to play with the baby and to say bull.... when necessary!
There is quite a bit of energy swirling what with sun magnetics and of course the internal energy of my anticipated move. Not to be gross, but I am experiencing swollen breast and very tender nipples- it was mentioned a few times yesterday as I shared with friends- like I was giving birth or mothering. As I lay in bed this morning, I asked my breasts what they had to say. I heard that it felt like I was leaving the two little boys I live with behind- my little girl with whom I had just integrated was worried, she was going to be left behind again. I felt that and saw a belief that if I leave everything ends and felt how that had served me in the past- thank you! And leaving physically doesn't mean everything ends. Sending love to my little girl.
I could also feel this new creation of service that is forming as a baby growing in me- desire to take care of myself during pregnancy and nurture myself- desire to breast feed the baby after it is born. Going to spend some time with this baby today.
And today during a conversation with Teacher and doing work around fear and how I experience fear another level revealed itself- it is up to me and I can do it- the it is to love myself enough that I call bull.... when my mind says I can't do this or I can't do that. It came up as we were working on some body practices to show me even when I don't think I am in fear, I am- my mind is wonderful at telling me I licked something. So it is now up to me to with love- say enough. I have been that and done that for others- children and adults alike- time to do it for myself.
And so today with no story I take for myself- to parent, to nurture, to love- I choose to meditate, to write, to connect with friends, to read, to be quiet, to play with the baby and to say bull.... when necessary!
Freedom and family
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
The Way It Is....
If you have come to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together. -Lila Watson
I received this tonight and wanted to share it- it is what I have evolved to in seeking friends, co-creators, teachers and how I wish to serve...
It is how I see myself and how I see you- sovereign Beings!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
How to serve?
I am working with Teacher which means I enjoy daily practices that engage the spirit, body, mind and emotions. Yesterday's question was can I open myself up to be the fullest expression of service to others possible? Today's practice brought the answer yes and some other interesting items which I choose to hold for now- still forming and perking! And a message to pay it forward- so how has this served you? This is what I wish to share today.
And how does that matter in day-to-day life? Now, I can feel an emotion coming up and instead of pushing it away (saying oh I shouldn’t feel that- I am on a spiritual path) or falling into it (oh I am sad or blissed and that’s it)- I turn into the emotion and with love and acceptance, ask it what it would like to tell me and thank it for whatever it would like to tell me- it is always linked to a belief- which I can turn into too and ask it how it has served me (believe it or not all of our beliefs served us at one time) and thank it and love it and honor it- the power of these emotions and beliefs are soon gone and what happens is I just am present and experiencing. And imagine what it would be like to not react and act from these emotions and beliefs? New choices, new ways of being, new opportunities just magically show up- because I am no longer caught in the old pattern.
I got to see by living where I am how I project onto others- see that, love that in me and create authentic apology and then let it go- this makes me more aware of projections.
I am in the middle ground these days and when I am not, I recognize and return with one of the many tools I have learned and remembered.
Life feels easier, I feel easier. I am surrounded by others who stand in their own power- owning their creations, desiring to create in harmony, doing their work- so there is no drama. I am dreaming again- meaning being able to see that whatever I want to experience is possible and because there is more room in this body and Being- I am hearing, seeing, feeling new possibilities. I am healthier than I have been in years and stronger in my body. I look forward to each day to see what is in store for me. I see what is and accept and love it.
I have had moments of this throughout my life and now the moments are running together.
More to come..
So I asked for help this time because I could see I was lost- for me it showed up as a lack of consistency. There were days where I felt expanded and blissed out and then there were days where I felt small and afraid- this looked like I would see some things show in my life that I desired, but that wouldn’t be consistent either- stop start, stop start. There was no middle ground- life wasn’t flowing. And I have been doing spiritual, psychological, consciousness work for many years….
What did I receive?
So many things… I recovered my little girl who hasn’t trusted me in so many years- she is with me now and she is the part of me who sees the magic in life- who loves to play- and now she is not needing anything from me- she knows she is loved. I claimed Helen, my mother and Bob, my father- owning all parts of me in them, loving and accepting all those parts. I reconnected with Grandmother- who walks now with me- glowing with unconditional love. I remembered my connection to all the elements- fire, wind, water, and earth- that I am they and the .wholeness of that- destruction and creation- all of me that I love.
I am aware that right now I do not know what is possible of this body or this Being. I have reconnected with my body so that I can feel shifts and stuckness in it and use the body as a place to work on for information- the body talks.
On the same note, I have remembered how important breathing is- brings me right back to center- the middle ground- deliberate breathing.
I have seen so many places and I continue to see where I have looked outside of myself for value, for confirmation, for something I felt I couldn’t do or create myself- I no longer choose to do that and I see right away if I am and love it into me.
I have remembered what it means to create and to own all the creations and I now see what happens when I do not own the creations- I get small again.
I remember I am Power and that my home is the third chakra- power with love because of course it is no longer about force.
I now can feel that I am alone in this journey and be peaceful about that; I now see that I am fully supported in this journey to see the highest Self; I see that even though I am alone, I am part of a much bigger picture and vibration and that what I do, say, Be counts and creates ripples and I don’t need to know what those are anymore.
I am more in Trust than ever before and that grows each day.
I got to see by living where I am how I project onto others- see that, love that in me and create authentic apology and then let it go- this makes me more aware of projections.
I am in the middle ground these days and when I am not, I recognize and return with one of the many tools I have learned and remembered.
Life feels easier, I feel easier. I am surrounded by others who stand in their own power- owning their creations, desiring to create in harmony, doing their work- so there is no drama. I am dreaming again- meaning being able to see that whatever I want to experience is possible and because there is more room in this body and Being- I am hearing, seeing, feeling new possibilities. I am healthier than I have been in years and stronger in my body. I look forward to each day to see what is in store for me. I see what is and accept and love it.
I have had moments of this throughout my life and now the moments are running together.
More to come..
Freedom and joy
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