Traveling "light"- not only on the outer, but I am carrying less baggage on the inner- letting go, letting go- reclaiming, remembering, integrating. I have my life for the first time... ever!
This week's theme seems to be remembering that I am here to steward everything- nothing is mine! Letting go of the need to own a house; the money isn't mine- it is here to care for me and just flow through; the tools I require to live abundantly are not mine- they are there to use and share sometimes and let go of; whatever service I provide to the planet at this time is something that comes through me, not from me; even relationships are not mine- but to dive into, learn from, have fun with and sometimes let go of. Traveling "light".
These last few days have been so sweet and so full- today I served a family by being with the children all day. I got to experience a 9 year old having fun with energy and movement through him when he injured himself and agreed to an exercise I use on myself- I witnessed his feeling of the shift in his body. It was such fun!!! Nothing from me but the offer and the witness- no sloggy holding space or shifting energy for someone. Traveling "light" does not mean traveling small! What a gift for me and what a gift for him...
I also wanted to share another blog from a woman I respect who speaks about traveling right now:
Surfing the Tsunami
Lucia Rene
For many people, things feel really churned up right now. A surprising number of people report that someone in their family is dying and the issue of death always causes a lot of haywire emotions to surface. Some are feeling that they are on a processing roller coaster. Others, however, are reporting ecstasy and exhilaration. Where on the spectrum are you?
If your boat feels like it’s in danger of capsizing, perhaps you need to put on your inspector’s cap and give it a good once over. (1) Are there too many people on board? (2) Are you carrying excess baggage? (3) Are you assuming the chatter on your shortwave radio is your own?
Here are some recommendations for your consideration:
(1) Make a list of all the people in your life and, in a detached way, scrutinize the energy of each. Is the person adding to your life? Detracting? Are you, because you have a tie to them, psychically picking up their inner turmoil? If someone isn’t on the same wavelength, perhaps it’s time to part company.
To be perfectly honest, it’s a problem if anyone is in your boat (i.e. awareness field) right now. Everyone should have her/his own boat. We are all responsible for ourselves. We need to be free to make our own choices, change direction, steer clear of obstacles. Other people in your boat make it heavy and hard to maneuver.
(2) Scrutinize your baggage. Your baggage—emotional, mental, or psychic—may be what’s making your boat unstable. Are you still trying to control things? Are you hanging on to an old belief system that doesn’t serve you anymore? Are you feeling resistant to look at a process that’s up in your face?
More often than not, the problem confronting you—what your mind perceives as the problem—is not the immediate problem. The real problem is your resistance to dealing with the problem. Once you overcome your resistance, you can begin to move down through the layers of emotions that compose your problem, one by one, until you reach the fear that underlies them. And once you merge with the fear, it dissolves into the pure light of consciousness.Emotions are just vibrations within the emotional body. None of them can harm you. But the mind says, “This problem is so cataclysmic that you’ll die if you go into it”. And we believe the mind. We resist diving into the process.
My method is to acknowledge and meet the resistance, to tell it, “This resistance is welcome here”. If resistance is what is up in your face, welcome the resistance, then begin to welcome the layers of the process as they reveal themselves. Anything that is really seen, acknowledged, and honored comes to rest quite easily.
Buddha said: Life is suffering and suffering is caused by attachment. So, if you’re suffering, investigate and work through your attachments to people. Meet and honor your attachments to your baggage.
Only you can do your processing work. Someone can teach, advise, and/or support you. But you have to do the work. It is messy down there in the depths of the emotional swamp. I know. I’ve been there countless times. Not savory. But, once you decide to plunge in, it’s very, very doable.
Come on. Confess. You love the feeling of freedom that comes when you drop a piece of excess baggage or a person who is draining your energy. So, buck up; inspect your boat; lighten it up.
Or, better yet, trade it in for a surfboard! Just you, your bathing suit, and the Divine Mother’s tsunami of change. Too little security in a surfboard? Better get used to it. We’ll be swimming like dolphins before it’s all over!
You’re perfectly capable of surfing the tsunami, you know. You wouldn’t have chosen to be here at the end of a cycle of time if you weren’t geared for high-speed change.
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